Yuuji Ota

From The World Is A Vampire
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San Francisco -=SF=- Tokyo
Kamon Ota Clan.png Yuuji Ota.jpg Japanese Flag.jpg
Character: Name Nature: [] Profession: []
Player: NPC Demeanor: [] Education []
Chronicle: San Francisco Concept: [] Religion: []
--- Cameo: [] ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●○○○○ Charisma ●○○○○ Perception ●○○○○
Dexterity ●○○○○ Manipulation ●○○○○ Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●○○○○ Appearance ●○○○○ Wits ●○○○○
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ○○○○○ () Animal Ken ○○○○○ () Academics ○○○○○ ()
Athletics ○○○○○ () Crafts ○○○○○ () Computer ○○○○○ ()
Awareness ○○○○○ () Drive ○○○○○ () Finance ○○○○○ ()
Brawl ○○○○○ () Etiquette ○○○○○ () Investigation ○○○○○ ()
Empathy ○○○○○ () Firearms ○○○○○ () Law ○○○○○ ()
Expression ○○○○○ () Larceny ○○○○○ () Medicine ○○○○○ ()
Intimidation ○○○○○ () Melee ○○○○○ () Occult ○○○○○ ()
Leadership ○○○○○ () Performance ○○○○○ () Politics ○○○○○ ()
Streetwise ○○○○○ () Stealth ○○○○○ () Science ○○○○○ ()
Subterfuge ○○○○○ () Survival ○○○○○ () Technology ○○○○○ ()
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Secondary Abilities Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
Linguistics ○○○○○○ () [K] Allies ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Contacts ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Domain ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Fame ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Influence ○○○○○ () Numina
[[]] ○○○○○ () Mentor ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Military Force ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Resources ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Retainers ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Status ○○○○○ () ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Health Levels HUMANITY Virtues
Bruised (0) - { } ○○○○○○○○○○ Conscience ●○○○○
Hurt (-1) ---- { } --- Self-Control ●○○○○
Injured (-2) - { } WILLPOWER Courage ●○○○○
Wounded (-3) - { } Permanent ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Mauled (-4) -- { } Temporary ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Crippled (-5)- { } --- ---
Incapacitated- { } --- ---
Final Death --- ---




Recent Events

Ota Yuuji is the final heir and recipient of a centuries old tradition. Now the final Samurai must find and protect the surviving artifacts entrusted into the care of twelve Samurai families of which he is the only survivor who know the terror faced by an unsuspecting world if he should fail.

Basics Gender: Masculine Type: Young Adult Nationality: Japanese Location: Japan Language: Japanese Life & Times Age: 29 Birth date: December 25, 1993 (2:16 PM) Physical Height: 177 cm / 5 ft 10 in Weight: 94 kg / 206 lbs Handedness: Right Blood type: A+ Future Outlook Death date: August 10, 2047 (12:44 PM) Lifespan: 53 Cause of death: Heart Disease
