Psychic Vampire

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Liber Monstrorum

A standard sentient being, who has acquired through various means the ability to feed on the emotions of others to subsist. Psychic vampires are mortal if supernatural. They gain added abilities due to their feeding styles. Psychic vampires must breath and eat like a mortal, though they can stave off thirst and hunger due to feeding on others life energies. Psychic vampires seldom kill their victims, instead often leaving them despondent and without will instead. Being a psychic vampire can effectively double the lifespan of a being. There is a legend of a ritual sacrifice that renews the youth of a psychic vampire, though it is jealously guarded.

A psychic vampire has a separate will pool in addition to their own. When feeding they use others willpower to refill their own first, and then may fill their pool up to a maximum amount for their given age. The act of draining another's will is very addictive, much like taking powerful narcotics. The initial drinks are a rush, bringing on chills, flushing, giddyness, and euphoria. Whenever it is performed, the psychic must resist the urge to leave the victim a husk. The psychic vampire must roll self control at a difficulty of 8, needing at least one success in order to resist the urge to continue to feed. Also as a consequence large groups of people have tendency to expose the psychic to a drunk giddiness. Such an experience must be resisted by a self-control roll, or be penalized by two dice for intelligence for the scene. The psychic will begin feeding off the crowd, experiencing an experience like an extreme drug high.

Age Max.Trait Rating Willpower Pool Max. Willpower per turn
Under 10 years 5 3 1
10 to 100 years 6 5 1
100 to 200 years 6 5 2