Professor Cipher

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Tremere -Oz- Melbourne

Tremere Professor Cipher.jpg, Tremere Professor Cipher3.jpg

Sobriquet: Professor (Charles to his elders)

Appearance: A tall broad boned man, he looks like a distinguished professor at any college. Dark power suits, 3 D arm AI band. Most people comment on the red and gold dragon tatoo they can see beginning on his neck.

Behavior: Very controlled and calculated. Icy stares are common. In many ways Professor gives off the vibe of a killing machine not in killing mode, except when he is.

History: Charles Cipher was a child of German craftsmen. His father was a builder of some renown, his mother a skilled midwife. Charles was the third son of the family, number 5 in birth order. His parents skills kept the family well off, and his parents sent him to school thinking he would join the clergy. In Dresden Cipher excelled at the sciences. His time with his mother had taught him much about the body, his father taught him about materials. Cipher finished school, and got a placement at the prestigious Helmut Universität der Wissenschaft. He studied long and hard, becoming known for his research and experiments. In his research he was brought the degenerating ghoul of a vampire that had recently been killed by Karl Schrekt. Professor Cipher spent the better part of two weeks examining the ghoul as it's vampiric blood ran out, aging rapidly before his eyes, making notes and samples. As the ghoul died the last night, Karl Schrekt showed up to clean up this last mess left behind by a recent hunt. He met Cipher and was impressed by his ability to do research and come to conclusions that would astound most people. Shrekt brought Cipher more things to examine, finding the professor and his ability to answer questions astounding. Shrekt went to the Tremere and asked permission to take a childe. They granted it so that Shrekt would have access to this forensic research. Shrekt in typical fashion didn't follow the Code, and did not give Cipher the Cup. Shrekt played it off to that even the Tremere need those who can work outside the structure of the clan.

Cipher served Shrekt for fifty years as an Archon, helping him find the violators of Camarilla law where they existed. Shrekt and Cipher traveled the western world, and the Professor became well known within Camarilla circles. Cipher rose in ability and eventually asked to stay in a city. In his travels he fell in love with the city of Paris. He was not allowed to stay in the city until the Traditions War ended in 1894. Karl Shrekt made a place for him there to protect Tremere interests while enforcing the Masquerade. He stayed there until promoted to Regent of Melborne Australia in 1918 filling the seat of former Regent Allistair Brach.

After coming to Melbourne the good Professor stayed independent as he always had. His research into the city of Melbourne brought him into close contact with the wild Aboriginals, and their mystic rites. He also made friends within the illicit sectors of the city, using them to find and traffic all manner of mystic items and magical lore. In this way he managed to gather power under the nose of the Ventrue without arousing suspicion.

Doing so brought him into contact with Mina. The two are stiffly cordial, whereas Mina wants to be toff, Cipher is a German toff, and she hates him to the core. But Mina is a business person. She takes his money to look the other way as his goods pass through her area. Moore is more cordial, liking to ruffle the Professors feathers, but also making sure the Tremere is on good terms with them. Moore and Mina have on more than one occasion bought boons from the professor in order that their trade stay hidden from the law and at times Squizzy.

Joyce "Willie" Scott came into the Professors life at a social function in the 1960's. She was providing sustenance for a soiree the Prince was throwing for the gathered clans. The Professor tried to ignore the beautiful vampire, but she was very enticing. Over the course of the night the Brujah did a good job of catching the Professors eye. Ciphers lusts were aroused, and he found himself making opportunities to see the Brujah madam. In time she slipped him her blood twice, and he was inextricably bound to her.

Willie has corrupted the Professor as deeply as any Settite. He now finds himself craving drugged or intoxicated blood. He follows her instructions, at times even putting himself at risk with his clan due to her influence. With the Professors help the crime empire of the Brujah in Melbourne has grown rock solid, and no one outside the city is aware of the Tremere aid he is providing.

Seth and Natasha are slightly aware of something happening there. Both have encountered the Professor intoxicated in one way or the other at times. Both have seen and counted the nights that the Brujah vampire Willie has come and spent all night and slept with the Professor. As a apprentice Seth on two occasions had to clean up blood messes from a debauched party in the chantry with Willie. Seth and Natasha don't think it's right, but neither are willing to question the professor on his behavior.

Recent Events: Professor Cipher has been an upstanding member of the Tremere since he was embraced. Shrekt in typical fashion didn't follow the Code, and did not give Cipher the Cup. Shrekt

Professor Ciphers Statistics