Level 2

From The World Is A Vampire
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Kaitlin's Spell Book

Donning the Mask of Shadows

Call the Cainite

Ward Vs Ghouls

Mourning Life Curse (BM)

Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion

Craft Bloodstone

Blood Walk

Gift of Mithras’s Bull (Asm BM) -

Recur of the Homeland-

Aportation (mine)

Pebble From the Mountain (Asm BM)- The vizier takes a stone from Mount Alamut, places it in his mouth, and meditates for an hour. He soaks the stone in his own blood, then in the blood of another Assamite. He gives the stone to that Assamite while chanting an incantation naming himself and the subject as successors to Tiamat, Ahtiman, and all the shaitans of Hell. The ritual takes an hour and a half to perform. At any subsequent point, by placing the stone in her mouth and repeating the incantation, the other Assamite can initiate a mystical link between herself and the vizier identical to that created by Touch the Earth. She is not performing sorcery; the magic rests in the stone, which always works if the vizier’s player made his initial roll.

Spirit Sight - Stone of Truth (mine) - # successes on Ritual = number of answers/statements it will indicate are Lies, or Truth (according to the person holding the stone)

Form the Reflection (mine) - Will allow the caster to record a reflection in the mirror, which is formed in the real world (like a hologram) System: When the ritual is cast the caster sets something so that it is reflected in the mirror in its entirety. The 3d image is locked into the mirror, It will “emit” from the mirror, and the distance from it is based on the actual reflection. Note the image isn’t actually emiting from the mirror, so it cant be “interrupted” like a true hologram. Again size doesn’t matter but the reflection has to be “real” If one looks into the mirror it will reflect everything including the 3d image as normal. (effect will break when the mirror is broken)