Bolverk's Statistics

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Brian's Session Notes

Brian's Notes

Brian's Active Magic

Brian O'Reilly's Weapons

Dice pools for quick reference

Circa: 1933 C.E.
Last Modified:
Nature: Soldier
Demeanor: Architect
Current Generation:
Born: 1912
Apparent Age: low 20's
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 6, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3 (running), Brawl 3 (boxing), Dodge 4, Empathy 3 (subversive behavior), Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4 (Noble), Streetwise 3 (criminal enterprises), Subterfuge 3, Dreaming 3, Throwing 4 (Small Weapons)
Skills: Animal Ken 0, Crafts 3 (Weapon Smithing), Drive 3, Memory 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 5 (Handgun), Melee 6 (Parry, Short Swords), Performance 0, Ride 2, Security 3 (lock-picking), Stealth 3 (trailing), Survival 3 (forest mountain)
Knowledges: Academics 4 (Roman History), Computers 3, Finance 4 (investment), Investigation 3, Law 2 (German procedures), Linguistics 5 (regional shift), Medicine 3, Military Science 2 (small unit tactics), Occult 6 (weather, enchantment), Politics 2(vampire), Science 2, Rituals 6(memory, enchantment, metamagic), Demolitions 3 (dynamite)
Lore: Area Knowledge 3 (Berline 1933), Ventrue Lore 5, Tremere Lore 5, True Brujah Lore 2, Sabbet Lore 2, Camerilla Lore 5, Garou Lore 4, Changling Lore 5, Mage Lore 4, Wraith Lore 5, Shadowlands Lore 4, Umbra Lore 2, Dreaming Lore 3, Mummy Lore 2, York City Lore 4,
Disciplines: Auspex (5), Celerity (4), Dominate(6), Fortitude(3), Necromancy (6), Potence (5), Presence (1), Visceratika (2), Thaumaturgy (6)
Advanced Disciplines: Dominate (6) Command Obedience
Necromantic Paths: Sepulchre Path (5), Path of Shroud Mastery (5), Path of Enervation (5), Path of the Corpse (5)
Necromantic Rituals: Brian's Necromancy Spell Book
Thaumaturgic Paths: Path of Weather Control (5) Path of Blood (5), Path of Warding (5), Path of Transmutation (5), Path of Wind (5), Transformation (5), The Hearth Path (4) The Green Path (4), Elemental Mastery (3), Neptune's Might (3) Conjuring (3)
Thaumaturgic Rituals: Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book
Backgrounds: Allies(4), Contacts (5), Generation (7), Herd(1), Influence: Mentor (6), Resources (5), Retainers (3), Status (4)
Virtues: Conviction 5 , Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Path: Road of Aesirgard (9)
Willpower: 9
Derangement: None
Merits: Blood Magic: (5pts - supernatural), True Berserk (5pt - supernatural)
Languages Spoken: English, German, Gaelic, Spanish, Bulgarian, Arabic, Icelandic, French, Lithuanian, Italian
Ancient Languages: Ogham, Latin, Babylonian, Greek, Norse, Egyptian
Current stats:

Current EXP: 15 (4/08/2017)