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Proposed Errata: Dodging a gaol may be done, at +2 difficulty if the target suspects it is coming (or has enough Auspex to precognitive sense the danger). The difficulty increases by one for each success beyond the minimum required to imprison him or her. A successful dodge must take the target completely out of the are of effect: a minor shift of body weight might avoid a blade but not a gaol.

Solid objects caught within the gaol displace the air to be hardened, reducing the total gas affected. They do not increase the total volume that can be solidified. The volume solidified is not precise: perfect planes and angles are impossible (this is a "quick and dirty" path, after all). Solidifying the air around something that mostly fills the specified volume probably creates a series of disconnected chunks that, while interesting, do nothing to hinder its movement.

Shaping solidified air in an unusual pattern (I.E. entrapping someone but leaving their head or a single hand free, or leaving an arrow slit in an otherwise solid wall) must be declared before the roll, and done at a +1 difficulty. Particularly elaborate structures may be higher at Storyteller's discretion.

Though the air is basically physically indestructible, elements within it still react chemically in the normal manner. Fire burns through a gaol as the oxygen is removed, and certain acids and other chemicals will eat the prison away. Also, in order to remain stationary, the light-as-air block must be anchored to at least one immobile physical object, which may be broken with sufficient force, rendering the gaol mobile.

The following table outlines the volume, maximum area of a thin sheet of solidified gas, and what may be trapped within it. Note that a block of air that is too small to completely entrap a being may still hinder them: One success below the number required can cause specific difficulties (bind the legs, an arm, etc). In this case, the difficulty to dodge the gaol is at normal difficulty (6).

Successes Volume Example Maximum area of a thin sheet Largest creature entrapped
1 5 inch cube A brick (3"X4"X6") 1 square foot A small bird or rat, or a few of mice
2 1 cubic foot 1 square meter (9 square yards) A small desktop computer Large rat, bat, cat, medium sized bird, small dog
3 10 cubic feet: a cube 2'2" on a side About the size of an average CRT television 5 square yards(A square 6 feet on a side) medium sized dog or large bird
4 50 cubic feet: a cube 3'8" on a side A big screen CRT or student's desk A square 12 feet on a side A child, wolf or average dog, the largest birds
5 125 cubic feet: a cube 5' on a side A telephone booth About 125 square feet (an area about 25' X 25') A human or large predator (Hispo Gaoru or tiger)
6 500 cubic feet: a cube 8' on a side, or a sphere 12.5' radius A small storage shed A square about 40' on a side: about 1500 square feet A Zulo, Crinos or other "War Form," a Bear or Horse (with rider)