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Mechanisms of Augmentation

Cachet: The first Mechanism of Augmentation is Cachet or the ability to alter a Sleepwalker's idealized form. Cachet allows for only small changes such as mutations of epidermal coloration, eyes or hair and finger or toe nails. But Cachet also allows for body modifications like scarification, tattoos, piercing, implants, dental augments and the creation of idealized clothing and jewelry.

System: The Sleepwalker rolls Manipulation + Dreaming = difficulty 4 and expends 1 point of Sand. Each success allows for a single alteration of the Sleepwalker's idealized form. While multiple changes to the Ideal form can make a Sleepwalker difficult to recognize it cannot alter the original idealized form to such a degree that the character cannot be recognized in the waking world.

All changes enacted through Cachet are purely cosmetic and can offer no combat or athletic benefits, but can be utilized extensively in social situations. The effects of Cachet last for one period of sleep, that is, if the Sleepwalker awakens and then returns to slumber the mechanism of Cachet must be activated again.

In the Waking World: This mechanism can be used in the Waking World, but at greater cost and difficulty. A point of Willpower must be spent and alteration costs one point of Sand with a maximum duration of one scene.

●● Simulacrum:
Simulacrum allows for perfection of a Sleepwalker's Ideal form or for the exact duplication of another individual's form.


●●● Transmogrify:
To change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely


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