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==Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ****==
==Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ****==
You have heard that three vampires joined together to create the bloodline of the Daughters of Cacophony.
==Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *****==
==Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *****==

Revision as of 15:33, 7 November 2022

-=Lore=--=Secondary Abilities=--=Daughters of Cacophony=-

This Lore represents knowledge of the social structure, traditions and myths of Bloodline called the Daughters of Cacophony. It also represents how well a character might be able to recognize the names of famous Daughters and know the trends of the bloodline within given regions.

Generally Possessed By: Daughters of Cacophony, Kindred Scholars

Potential Specializations: Daughters of Cacophony history, Camarilla historians

Sources Consulted for this List: Vampire the Masquerade V20, Vampire the Masquerade Players Guide, Lore of the Bloodlines

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *

You know that the primary Disciplines of the Daughters of Cacophony are Fortitude, Melpominee, and Presence. (VtM [V20]: 398)

You know that the common nickname for the bloodline is Sirens

You know that all Daughters of Cacophony are creatures of music, and almost all are singers. (VTM [V20]: 398)

You know that the origins of the bloodline are lost in history.

You know that all Daughters of Cacophony hear a tune referred to as a fugue at all times. In order to make it quiet they have to spend willpower (VTM [V20]: 398)

You have heard that the Daughters originate at some point in the 1700's, and are not known much before that.

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony **

You are aware that the blood line mainly inhabits Camarilla cities.

You have heard a few stories and fables about the Bloodline, how they charm the kine with their charms.

You have heard of Eric, the phantom in Paris. You have also heard of Selene.

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ***

You have heard of Carvala of Vienna.

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ****

You have heard that three vampires joined together to create the bloodline of the Daughters of Cacophony.

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *****