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(10th Generation)
(Those of Unknown Generation)
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* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Anselmo a Barata]] -- Assamite ''antitribu'' (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Anselmo a Barata]] -- Assamite ''antitribu'' (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Babajide Afolayan]] -- Yoruban Ancilla (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Babajide Afolayan]] -- Yoruban Ancilla (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Sawsan Hakim]] -- Arabian Neonate (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Sawsan Hakim -- Arabian Neonate (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
=== The Assamite Schism ===
=== The Assamite Schism ===
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Some Assamites chose to go completely independent and avoid all the sects. They also drew away from the main clan, primarily for religious reasons. Few Warriors chose this option. Most Dispossessed Assamites are Viziers or Sorcerers.
Some Assamites chose to go completely independent and avoid all the sects. They also drew away from the main clan, primarily for religious reasons. Few Warriors chose this option. Most Dispossessed Assamites are Viziers or Sorcerers.
Many Assamites stayed with the main clan. Most of these were warriors and sorcerers. Most Assamites on the Path of Blood chose to stay with the main clan.  
Many Assamites stayed with the main clan. Most of these were warriors and sorcerers. Most Assamites on the Path of Blood chose to stay with the main clan.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Websites''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Websites''' ==

Latest revision as of 00:57, 7 February 2022

Arrayed by Clan -x- Assamite Antitribu

Assamite clan logo.png

The childer of Haqim, known as Assamites to the rest of the Kindred, are a silent knife in the dark, an order of bloodthirsty assassins who participate in the secret wars of the undead by operating as killers for hire. Outside the purview of the Sects, the Assamites are true independents and mercenaries, hiring out to whoever can pay their blood-price and ungoverned by the will of Prince or Priscus. By the time a mark realizes that he’s being hunted by an Assamite, it’s often far too late. Needless to say, this makes the Assamites both feared and reviled by many of the other Clans.

In truth, the Assamites are more than simple thugs and killers. Theirs is a complex but insular Clan predicated upon the three principles of wisdom, sorcery, and diablerie. Most Assamites that other vampires encounter are members of the warrior caste, however, so Kindred society has painted them all with that brush. For their part, the Assassins have done nothing to stop this misunderstanding. If it helps them acquire contracts and it occludes the true nature of their Clan, the better for them.

Long ago, the Assamites were brought to heel by a powerful curse to curb their bloodlust, levied by the Tremere at the behest of the Camarilla. They cannot taste the vitae of vampires without it causing them harm. In their ongoing quest to lower their Generation and bring themselves closer to their holy figure, Haqim (whom some outside scholars claim was of the Second Generation, while others insist he was a judge appointed by the other Antediluvians), the Assamites must refine the blood of Kindred into an alchemical solution. Were it not for this mystical yoke, the Assamites would surely be unchecked on a crusade of unholy diablerie.

Nickname: Assassins

Sect: For the most part, the Assamites tend to be independent, letting the Sects hire them to operate on their own terms. That said, some Assamites believe an allegiance with the Camarilla or the Sabbat would al- low the entire Clan to stand more strongly.

Appearance: Older Assamites often come from Middle Eastern and North African cultures, though more and more young Assamites come from a wider demographic. In traditional environments, the Assamites prefer garb appropriate to religious or Clan custom. When in public, however, Assamites wear whatever the locals do, allowing them to fulfill their contracts without anyone noticing anything amiss. An Assamite’s skin grows darker with age (as opposed to other vampires, whose skin gets paler); particularly ancient Assamites are almost ebony in complexion.

Haven: Assamites often share communal havens with others of their local cell, remote structures that allow the Assassins to watch the larger domain from a distance. These havens are generally well appointed, but not so lavish that the whole place can’t be moved on short notice. Individual Assamites also tend to keep personal hideouts of a much more humble nature, for when they need a place to lay low.

Background: Those Embraced into Clan Assamite tend to fall into two distinct types: The “provincial” members of the Clan fit whatever their locality is, and can blend seamlessly in with the people around them. The higher-profile “jet-setters” transcend cultures, bolstered by their ability to handle interpersonal and intellectual challenges.

Character Creation: Physical Attributes tend to be primary, with some Assamites favoring Social Attributes to help them get close to their prey. Talents and Skills are equally favored, but Knowledges may help the wise Assamite in a pinch. Few Assassins cultivate extensive Backgrounds, and instead specialize in an array of Disciplines that heighten their competence. The most accomplished Assamites follow the Clan’s unique Path of Enlightenment, and those who don’t often have to spend a great deal of effort maintaining their Virtues and Humanity.

Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus

Weaknesses: Due to the Tremere blood-curse, should an Assamite consume the blood of another Kindred, she suffers one automatic level of unsoakable lethal damage per blood point imbibed. Diablerie attempts result in automatic aggravated damage, one health level per point of permanent Willpower the victim possesses; the would-be diablerist gains no benefits (including Generation reduction) if he survives the process. In addition, Assamites must tithe some of the profits from their contracts to their sires or superiors (generally around 10 percent of all such earnings).

Organization: An insular, hierarchical organization shapes much of Assamite custom. “The Old Man on the Mountain” — the master assassin who makes his haven in the mountain fortress of Alamut — is the ultimate authority, and the Clan heeds the orders that trickle down to them with a mix of reverence and terror. Individual and local cells of Assamites known as falaqi frequently have license to act with autonomy, but “turncoats” against the higher cause are rare.

The Laws of Haqim

  • -- Law of Leadership - Honor the Eldest among you, for he is to rule my House when I am absent.
  • -- Law of Protection – Ward the mortals from Caine’s descendants and treat them with honor in all things.
  • -- Law of Destruction – Slay not those of the Blood, for that judgment is for the Eldest alone.
  • -- Law of the Word – Deceive not those of the Blood, for my House is founded on Truth.
  • -- Law of Judgment – Judge those of Caine’s blood and punish them should they be found wanting.

Bloodlines: Assamite Sorcerers, Assamite Viziers

Quote: Your blood is anathema to me, but the act of spilling it brings me closer to Haqim.

3rd Generation

4th Generation

  • -- The Unknown Scholar -- The First childe of Haqim
  • -- ur-Shulgi -- The Shepherd
  • -- Mancheaka -- (deceased) -- He died during the Second Baali War
  • -- Sha'hiri -- The original 'Old Man of the Mountain' (deceased: 1493 after the Convention of Thorns)
  • -- Jamal --

5th Generation

6th Generation

  • Amaravati -- Progeny of Al-Ashrad.. Sorcerer caste. Loyalist. Last Seat of Tongues at the Council of Scrolls. Acknowledged as Amr by the Assamite Loyalists.
  • Antara -- The Shepherd of Wolves (Warrior Caste) -- {Cairo}
  • Fatima Al-Faqadi -- (Warrior Caste) -- The Hand of Vengeance
  • Hilel al-Masaari -- (Warrior Caste)
  • Shabah -- (Warrior Caste) -- Lover of Belisarius

7th Generation

  • -- Imanna -- Voice of the Night -- {Cairo}: Currently missing.
  • -- Fatmir Dibra -- (Sorcerer Caste) -- A traditional practitioner of Dur-an-Ki, who sells his services to the highest bidder.
  • -- Jason Maier -- (Vizier Caste) -- The Dark Knight of Rio de Janeiro
  • -- Burak Mataracı -- (Warrior Caste) -- Progeny of Shabah of Istanbul and sire of Eren Badem. Turkish elder of the Warrior Caste and saint of the Path of Blood who resides in Ankara, Turkey.
  • -- Montgomery (Monty) Coven -- (Warrior Caste) -- The Faux Elder
  • -- Sukhbataar -- (Warrior Caste) -- Elder of Sofia-Grad

8th Generation

  • -- Djuhah -- (Warrior Caste) -- antitribu -- Seraph of the Black Hand.
  • -- Eren Badem -- (Warrior Caste) -- Turkish master-assassin. Deceased (died: June 20th. Location: Paris department store. Slain by Brian O'Reilly)
  • -- Husayn Al Fatin -- (Warrior Caste) -- Destroyer of Outcasts -- The Ambassador from Alamut.
  • -- Hsing Lao Japanese Sorcerer Caste.
  • -- Ridha Kader -- (warrior caste) -- Moroccan Elder {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Christinana Guillory -- (vizier caste) -- Neonate Progeny of Jason Maier {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Tel'aat El-Ali -- The Rising Flame -- {Cairo}: Alive & Active.

9th Generation

10th Generation

11th Generation

  • -- Eren Demir -- (sorcerer caste) -- Turkish Astrologer & Neonate {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Ruth Cole -- (Warrior Caste) -- antitribu -- Member of the Dead Gypsies - a nomad pack.

12th Generation

  • -- Yvette Cole -- (Warrior Caste) -- antitribu -- Member of the Deathbringers -- a nomad pack.

13th Generation

  • -- Tariq -- Commonly known as the Silent, is an Assamite antitribu unaffiliated with the Sabbat and assumed Dominion of the Black Hand. He also occupies a place among the Red List.

Those of Unknown Generation

  • -- Mata Hari -- (Caste Unknown) -- (Sire Unknown) -- (Generation Unknown) -- {Sect Allegiance - unknown) -- (Whereabouts Unknown)
  • -- Evans Rogers -- Freelance Assamite Bodyguard -- Currently on assignment in Houston.
  • -- Anselmo a Barata -- Assamite antitribu (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Babajide Afolayan -- Yoruban Ancilla (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Sawsan Hakim -- Arabian Neonate (warrior caste) -- {Rio de Janeiro}

The Assamite Schism

Assamite Schism

The Assamite castes split apart during the Schism. Ur-Shulgi demanded that other Assamites give up the worship of other gods and only revere Haqim. This resulted in many Assamites being killed, and many more opting to leave Alamut. Ur-Shulgi was particularly vicious towards Muslim Assamites, and killed several elders for refusing to renounce their faith, including Jamal, the head of the Warrior caste.

Some Assamites joined the Camarilla. Most of those that joined the Camarilla were viziers and sorcerers. Warriors that joined the Camarilla are generally seen as loose cannons who must be supervised by their more restrained (and non-vitae-addicted) clanmates. Sorcerers in the Camarilla find their skills in high demand as an alternative to dealing with the Tremere.[2]

A small number of Assamites, mostly Warriors, joined the Sabbat. While the Assamite antitribu who had been with the Sabbat for the last 500 years were entirely from Warrior stock, the Warriors opting to join the Sabbat were not entirely welcomed with open arms. Many of the Assamite antitribu elders, particularly in the Black Hand, had defected and left the Sabbat to return to the main clan. This meant the Sabbat was not entirely welcoming because of the recent betrayal. Few sorcerers or viziers joined the Sabbat.

Some Assamites chose to go completely independent and avoid all the sects. They also drew away from the main clan, primarily for religious reasons. Few Warriors chose this option. Most Dispossessed Assamites are Viziers or Sorcerers.

Many Assamites stayed with the main clan. Most of these were warriors and sorcerers. Most Assamites on the Path of Blood chose to stay with the main clan.

