Federated American States: Difference between revisions

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==== Maryland ====
==== Maryland ====
* -- [[Baltimore]] -- Charm City
* -- Baltimore -- Charm City

==== Massachusetts ====
==== Massachusetts ====

Revision as of 12:48, 4 September 2020

North AmericaX Iteration IV - Current Timeline

Federated Statesart.png



  • January 10, Militias in Colorado and Kansas work in concert with troops out of Texas and New Mexico to trap Federal troops and disarm them. Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, and Washington secede.
  • March, Missouri and Arkansas waver, UN Troops supported by the Federal troops begin an influx into St.Louis and Little Rock.
  • May 3, The Dakotas declare themselves one District. Michigan and Iowa secede, joining the western states in rebellion. The Western Alliance bombs the bridges on the Mississippi in a unified strike. The bridge at Memphis becomes the only bridge left standing on the whole Mississippi.
  • June 4, Western Alliance War of Independence is officially declared by the first Western Congress in Cheyenne Mountain.


  • January 3, During a severe blizzard a pitched battle happens on the northern border between Militia's and UN troops, leaving 110 dead from combat, and another 115 frozen in the storm. Casualties are mostly UN troops, though a few are American resistance fighters.
    February 15, Congress votes on how to handle the Western Alliance, decides leaders will be tried for treason, troops given parole.
    March 8, Several cases of Conspicuous Consumption happen in Boston, leaving many to wonder if a new zombie plague is gripping the city.
    March 22, The Mayor of Boston declares the zombie concern a non-issue, explaining it is a new Bath Salt type drug called "Amazing" that has been banned.
    May 5, Blackouts happen all across the Eastern states, as major power grids are hit and knocked out. Food riots happen in several cities (New York, Chicago, Pittsburg) because of transportation disruptions.
    May 18, EMP blast occurs 28 miles over the Western Alliance. Massive power grid and electrical disruption occurs.
    June 12, Drones attack into the Western Alliance, but are met by an equal army of drones, minor losses to both sides.
    July 4, The block of states east of the Mississippi name themselves the Federated American States. Civil war sets is now fought in earnest, territory being the goal.


  • Treaty of New Orleans - The treaty is signed in New Orleans which is designated a neutral zone between the two new nations and the Mississippi River serves as a designated border between the Federated American States and the Western Alliance. The war ends.
    The Republic of Texas withdraws from the Western Alliance to declare Independence. Texas establishes a cordon of Non-Aggression with the Federated States and the Western Alliance.


The Federated American States is all that is left of the old USA. Washington D.C. remains the Capital. The government of the Federated States has become an Oligarchic Democracy, with prominent business leaders and old aristocratic families taking the positions of government. The rules are designed for a more republican government, but the reality is that money and prestige dominate the elections. National leaders read like a who's who of the major political families of the FAS.


The coal mines of the Appalachians have been re-energized with the loss of the oil fields of the Dakota's and the west. The push for coal to oil refineries has become overwhelming. The first year of the war pushed the FAS to the brink for lack of fuel. If anything, this factor pushed for the defeat of the FAS by the Western Alliance more than anything else. By the third year of the war the FAS had become a major purchaser of oil from Russia and Middle East once more. The North East is once more a thriving ground of production, with Georgia and Alabama becoming the shipping capitols of the FAS after New York.

Effects of the War

The main battles of the Succession War happened in Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, and Tennessee, though there was much skirmishing up and down the Mississippi river. The fact that there are no bridges left crossing Old Man River except the I40 bridge at Memphis is testament to the violence that rocked the Great Plains. East St. Louis has once more begun to grow as a western port of the FAS. There is an uneasy truce held in place by the four (Federated States, The Louisiana Neutrality, The Republic of Texas, and The Western Alliance) factions now controlling the former United States.

UN troops hold bases along the Mississippi to ensure the peace. At last count there are almost 200,000 European and Mediterranean troops helping to guard the border. They have set up bases in Memphis, East St. Louis, Chicago, and Miami. The city of Superior Harbor has become a new base of operations, and is growing rapidly with the military influx.

Important Legislative Changes

The FAS passed anti-gun legislation in 2027, and without the western gun lobby, it passed easily in the FAS. All handguns and semi-automatic/automatic weapons are outlawed. While still legal in many states to use a shotgun for hunting birds, a violent act with one leads to a very stiff sentence. UN and FAS law enforcement are allowed to use deadly force when faced with outlawed weapons, the FAS doesn't want anymore defectors. Only military or law enforcement are allowed to carry guns, openly or concealed.
Also along this line the government passed the Military Law Enforcement Act of 2030. MILEA allowed the government to move armed troops into areas in order to keep the peace and watch for WAS sympathizers who might cause more trouble. Small detachments are moved into some areas, major cities have full platoon detachments that work with police forces.

New Governmental Agencies


District of Columbia


  • -- Miami -- The Magic City




  • -- Gary -- Murder Capital of the Old U.S.A.


  • -- Augusta
  • -- Bangor
  • -- Lewiston
  • -- Portland


  • -- Baltimore -- Charm City



  • -- Detroit -- Motor City
  • -- Lansing -- State Capital


New Hampshire

  • -- Concord
  • -- Manchester NH
  • -- Nashua
  • -- Portsmouth

New Jersey

  • -- Atlantic City -- Entertainment capital of the new Federated American States.

New York

North Carolina



Rhode Island

South Carolina

  • -- Columbia
  • -- Greenville



  • -- Barre
  • -- Brattleboro
  • -- Burlington
  • -- Montpelier
  • -- Rutland
