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;[[Ostanes Character Sheet]]
;[[Ostanes Character Sheet]]
== '''Blood Flask''' ==
== <span style="color:#4B0082;"> '''Major Items''' ==
[[File:Blood Flask.jpg]]
:* '''[[Mask of Apollo]]''' -- This artifact is still in the possession of Ostanes, until he can consult with the mask and find someone else to deal with it.
== '''Brass-knuckles''' ==
[[File:Brass Knuckles.jpg]]
== '''Demonic Walking Stick''' ==
== <span style="color:#4B0082;"> '''Minor Items''' ==
[[File:Sterling Silver Demon-headed walking stick.jpg]]
:* [[Body Armor - Jack of Plate]] (2 dice)
:* [[Blood Flask]]
:* [[Brass-knuckles]]
:* [[Brass powder]]
== '''Sacrificial Dagger''' ==
:* [[Ceremonial Knife]]
[[File:Ostanes ceremonial dagger.jpg]]
:* Dirty Tricks (anise, black pepper, marbles)
:* Money
:* [[Physicians Bag]]
==== Description ====
:* Ritual Components (human knuckle bones, sand, gemstones, chalk, etc)
''From the film The Mummy (1999) starring: Brendan Fraiser this is the original Ceremonial Dagger. It is double sided and made from a very durable quality bronze. It is 18 inches long x 4 inches wide x 1.5 inches deep and weights about 15lbs. It is a real prop dagger from the film. It also served quite nicely to torpor a vampire after it was jammed into his head.''
:* [[Silver Headed Walking Stick]]
== '''Tass''' ==
7 Vitae Infused Items (Monopoly tokens) -- ''One was spent in a my first confrontation with the Rakshasa in London. This tass is poisonous with paradox and extremely dangerous to use.''
== Elements of Classical Magic ==
== <span style="color:#4B0082;"> '''Destroyed Items''' ==
* -- Alchemy (Chrysopoeia = Ouroboros [gesture] / ''εν το παν'' (en to pan) or in English "one is the all"  [spoken])
:* [[2043 Sacrificial Dagger]] -- The sacrificial dagger brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
* -- Amulets (protective)
:* [[Monopoly Tokens of Tass]] -- The Monopoly tokens brought from the future by Czere Ubireg were destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
* -- Apotropaion -- Greek: To avert evil
:* [[Portable Temporal Disruption Device]] -- Although the PTDD hasn't been destroyed, it isn't in Ostanes possession any longer either, and was returned to Vargo Zamtredia rather than allow it to fall into the hands of the Order of Hermes.
* -- Astrology
:* [[The Medallion of the False Face]] -- The medallion brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
* -- Carmen (verse)
:* Tremere Clan ring -- The Clan-ring brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
:* [[Five Classical Elements]] -- Air, Earth, Fire, Water & Quintessence
:* Tremere Pocket Watch -- The Tremere pocket-watch brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
* -- Curse tablets  (Latin: tabella defixionis / Greek: katadesmos)
* -- Divine figurines (Hermes)
* -- [[Ephesia Grammata]]
* -- [[Evil Eye]]
* -- [[Gemstones: Their uses in magick]]
* -- Goetia (Interestingly, goetia is similar in its ambiguity to charm: it means both magic and power to sexually attract.)
* -- [[Herbs & Their Magical Properties]]
* -- Phylactery
* -- Poetry / Songs (Orpheus)
* -- Sator Square (Palindrome)
* -- Talisman (focus for spell effects)
* -- Teletai (mystical formulas / celebration of mysteries)
* -- Theurgy (According to the Greek philosopher Plotinus (205–270 CE) theurgy attempts to bring all things in the universe into sympathy, and man into connection with all things via the forces that flow through them.)
* -- Voces magicae
* -- Wands

Latest revision as of 17:22, 22 September 2021

Ostanes Character Sheet

Major Items

  • Mask of Apollo -- This artifact is still in the possession of Ostanes, until he can consult with the mask and find someone else to deal with it.

Minor Items

Destroyed Items

  • 2043 Sacrificial Dagger -- The sacrificial dagger brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
  • Monopoly Tokens of Tass -- The Monopoly tokens brought from the future by Czere Ubireg were destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
  • Portable Temporal Disruption Device -- Although the PTDD hasn't been destroyed, it isn't in Ostanes possession any longer either, and was returned to Vargo Zamtredia rather than allow it to fall into the hands of the Order of Hermes.
  • The Medallion of the False Face -- The medallion brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
  • Tremere Clan ring -- The Clan-ring brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)
  • Tremere Pocket Watch -- The Tremere pocket-watch brought from the future by Czere Ubireg was destroyed in fire that engulfed the mansion of the Duke and Duchess. (Summer of 1900)