Difference between revisions of "St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair"

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(Elder Argot)
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;[[Anno Domini 1094]]
;[[World of Darkness -- Medieval]] - SCWPOLF- [[Windows Into the Fair]]
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== Quote ==
== '''Quotes''' ==
''"Another day in this carnival of souls"''<br>
''"Another day in this carnival of souls"''<br>
''"Another nights ends, end as quickly as it goes"''<br>
''"Another nights ends, end as quickly as it goes"''<br>
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== Places of Interest and the Dwellers Within ==
=='''Elder Argot'''==
St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair is made up of numerous locations, great and small, that make up the warp and weft of not only the day-to-day entertainments, but of the behind the scenes pageant members lives, loves and tribulations. The pageant comprises seventy odd wagons and half as many tents, but only twenty or so seem to have enough significance to count as landmarks in the nebulous night-scape of this traveling circus. Many of the locales serve as focal points for pageant-goers and pageant-folk alike.
:* ''[[Centering]]'': Centering is the process of becoming more invested in the Pageant, and also the gathering of power, of becoming part of the Center of the ''Safnara af Myrki''.
:* ''[[Goddess Carna|Carna]]: ''The original power that the Pageant serves.
:* ''Displacement (spiritual)'':
:* ''Fugue'': The memory fuzziness that comes from shifting between worlds.  Sometimes a difficult jump results in dizziness, dry mouth, and headache.  Supernaturals shrug this off in short time, weaker members suffer sometimes for days.
:* The Powers that Be aka ''Safnara af Myrkri'': The powers that are in control of the pageant.
:* ''Master of Ceremonies'':The individual who interprets the signs of ''Safnara af Myrkri'' to guide the Carnival.
:* ''[[Master of Two Worlds]]'': This is the being in charge of regulating the life energy being sent to Safnara af Myrkri. In effect the master becomes the Tax Collector of the Pageant. During most of the Pageants history a vampire has filled this position, beginning with Namrael's sacrifice.
:* ''Master of Gateways'': The avatar of the Gateways that allow the Pageant to move from place to place.  Never in Fugue, this is a demanding position that wears on the holder.
:* ''Namrael'': The Cainite who sacrificed herself for the Pageant.
:* ''Physis'': The periods of intense activity by members of the Pageant.
:* ''[[Road of Carna]]'': The philosophy of the Lady's ''true'' followers.
:* ''[[The Wyrdling Wall]]'': This is a dimmly understood and acknowledged term used by the Pageanters to refer to the bubble of chimera that surrounds the Pageant.  Those who are Pageant members become distorted to everyone around them. Not even those who are within the Pageant are immune, they see other members within the Wyrdling Wall as the chimera alters them.  This effect clings to them even for a time as they leave the Pageant.
=== Athenaeum ===
== '''''Caveat Emptor!''''' ==
''The Athenaeum, an ancient term that literally means the Temple of Athena, is used within the pageant to mean the collective wisdom of diviners and wonder workers. It is not so much a place, although there is a tent referred to as such, rather it is a title for the mystics, much like cabal or coven. Of course, even within St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, not all of the mystics are truly gifted, some are outright charlatans, while others who had no innate gift of their own chose to  bargained with dark powers for otherwise unattainable abilities.''
From ''caveat'', "may he beware", a subjunctive form of ''cavēre'', "to beware" + ''ēmptor'', "buyer") is Latin for ''"Let the buyer beware"''. Generally, ''caveat emptor'' is the contract law principle that controls the sale of real property after the date of closing, but may also apply to sales of other goods. The phrase ''caveat emptor'' and its use as a disclaimer of warranties arise from the fact that buyers typically have less information about the good or service they are purchasing, while the seller has more information. The quality of this situation is known as 'information asymmetry'. Defects in the good or service may be hidden from the buyer, and only known to the seller.
==== Mystics ====
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|[[File:Mortal Calixto.jpg|200px]] '''[[Calixto]]''' -- ''The Spanish Astrologer is a handsome, kindly seeming, fortuneteller whose true mystical gift lies in the speed with which he can establish trust and how well he can read the emotions of others.'' {Spaniard} []
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|[[File:Bubasti Bekhet.jpg|200px]] '''[[Bekhet]]''' -- ''Lady "Beckett" has been with the pageant for as long as anyone can remember and is of Egyptian origin. She is the most senior and powerful of the mystics, often serving as a mentor to other will-workers and is the longtime companion of Bes the Dwarf.''
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|[[File:Sorcerer Rambert.jpg|200px]] '''[[Rambert]]''' -- ''The Oneiromancer'' {Spaniard} [New Member]
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|[[File:Simon Magus.jpg|200px]] '''[[Mordblund]]''' -- ''Simon Magus'' or ''The Thaumturge'' {Danish} [New Member]
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=== Bestiarium ===
== '''Histories of the Wandering Pageant''' ==
''The Bestiarium is the medieval equivalent of a zoo, which is housed, fed, and cared for by beast handlers whose sole purpose it is to keep the animals alive and healthy for the wonder of the audience. The beasts and their handlers live side-by-side and are mutually dependent, indeed sometimes its difficult to know which of the animals within bestiarium are for spectacle and which are truly the handlers.''
''But when the amphitheatres became only empty shells, the old performers did not suddenly disappear. You would find them straggling over the highways of this old Roman world, stopping at a barbarian court, drawing a crowd at a fair: the weight-lifter, the acrobat, the daring horseback rider, the man leading a bear. As an after-image in the European mind, perhaps in the living linkage of the flesh, from generation to generation, handing on their arts from parents to children, sometimes greatly venturesome, but no longer committed to death, the old circus folk perhaps continued their play. The monks' chronicles would not notice them, nor, if aware of their existence, even be able to identify them. But as shadow or substance, the circus remained in existence and eventually came back to life in the modem city. Expunged of their Roman sins, the surviving circuses and menageries still recall the Roman way of life. They remind one, too, that Rome itself was once upon a time ‘the greatest show on earth’.''
==== Beasts & Handlers ====
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|[[File:Arkadi brown bear.jpg|200px]] '''[[Arkadi]]'''
<br> ''This old, brown bear male, dances and performs tricks for the visitor's children. He possesses an uncanny knack for knowing what tricks the children want. While he is a brown bear, his fur is mostly gray and no one knows how old he is, except perhaps for Bogdan the Russian. Both Arkadi and Bogdan were ''recruited'' into the pageant by Vulo Vodach when the pageant last came to Veliky Novgorod in the lands of the Rus.'' -- {} -- See: '''Bogdan'''
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|[[File:Phython serpent.jpg|200px]] '''[[Phython]]'''<br> -- ''A serpent over twenty-five feet long, the pattern of its black and gold scales are unheard of in the known world. In the darkest hours of the night, it can sometimes be heard to speak with sibilant hissings in alien dead tongues. All those save its blind handlers must take care to avoid its hypnotic gaze and more than one pageant member has perished, swallowed whole by the dark serpent. Phython has been an exhibit of the pageant for as long as anyone can remember.'' -- {}
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|[[File:Mortal Nagendra.jpg|200px]] '''[[Nagendra]]''' -- ''The Serpent Handler'' {} []
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|[[File:Mortal Bogdan.jpg|200px]] '''[[Bogdan]]''' -- ''The Bear Trainer'' -- {A man of the Rus} -- See: '''Arkadi'''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Garsea]]''' -- ''Apprentice Bear Trainer'' {Northern Spain}
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|[[File:Mortal Joukahainen.jpg|200px]] '''[[Joukahainen]]''' -- ''The Beast Healer, known by his diminutive Jouko, joined the pageant at the same time as his friend Sámi who was seduced into the Erotes of Venus. He possesses a gift for handling beasts.'' {Finland} [New Member]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Wilkin]]''' -- ''Fodder Boy'' {England}
==== The Grotesquery ====
-- Lewis Mumford, '''''The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformation, and Its Prospects.'''''<br>
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|[[File:Giulia-The Bearded Lady.jpg|200px]] '''[[Giulia]]''' -- ''The pageant's resident bearded lady and its primary gossip.'' {Roman woman}
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|[[File:Giant Einarr.jpg|200px]] '''[[Einarr]]''' -- ''The Giant'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Spiuni]]''' -- ''A small carny, usually, but not always a child or dwarf, who spots and marks out those who have money to spend.'' {Romanii} []
=== Canvas of the Mother ===
=== Mythic Origins ===
==== Zhu Family of Acrobats ====
A family of Chinese acrobats.
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=== The Nomadic Festivals of Cara ===
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Zhu Zan]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Zhu An]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Zhu Chen]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Zhu Xia]]''' -- '' ()''
==== Michelakos Family of Jugglers ====
=== The Luna Circus ===
A family of Byzantine performers.
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=== The Nomadic Reliquary, Extraordinary Jubilee and Nazarene Marketplace ===
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Bessarion Michelakos]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
==== Other Performers ====
=== St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair ===
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Aref Shirazi]]''' -- ''Lord of Archers'' {} [Persia]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Dobroslav]]''' -- ''Sword Swallower'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Saskia]]''' -- ''The Knife Thrower'' {} []
* -- [[Stella Hoefler]] --
=== The Ouroboros Exchange, Wandering Exposition and Twilight Fair ===
* -- [[Azat Abt]] --
* -- [[Hrothgar]] --
* -- [[Behnam Darzi]] -- The Tailor
=== Court of the Erlking ===
=== Anastagio's Olde Time Lunar Carnival and Midnight Circus ===
The court of the Erlking is the least definable structure in the pageant, it serves as both boundary and border with the outside world. A double wall of heavily stained canvas serves to delineate the pageant from its mundane physical location, and thus the court possesses an indistinct liminal character, it is also a distinct if ephemeral place where the fae who travel with the pageant gather together in imitation of their long lost Arcadia.
==== Fae Courtiers ====
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|[[File:Changeling Astarte.jpg|200px]] '''[[Astarte]]''' -- ''The Autumn Queen''
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|[[File:Changeling Arianrhod.jpg|200px]] '''[[Arianrhod merch Dôn]]''' -- ''Daughter of the Moon''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '' ()''
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=== House of the Profligate ===
== '''Locations & Attendants:''' ''Places of Interest and the Dwellers Within'' ==
St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair is made up of numerous locations, great and small, that make up the warp and weft of not only the day-to-day entertainments, but of the behind the scenes pageant members lives, loves and tribulations. The pageant comprises seventy odd wagons and half as many tents, but only a dozens or so seem to have enough significance to count as landmarks in the nebulous night-scape of this traveling circus. Many of the locales serve as focal points for pageant-goers and pageant-folk alike.
:* '''[[The Wyrdling Wall]]''' -- ''That which divides the Pageant from the Outside World.''
==== Retinue of Venus  ====
:* '''[[Arcadia Minor]]''' -- ''Shard Realm of the Fae''
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:* '''[[Athenaeum]]''' -- ''The Five Mystics''
|[[File:Sorceress Polyphonte.jpg|200px]] '''[[Polyphonte]]''' --<br> ''The Bestialite {A Greek woman who has traveled with the Pageant for some time.}''
:* '''[[Bestiarium]]''' -- ''A Medieval Zoo''
:* '''[[Brotherhood of the Blade]]''' -- ''Guardians of the Pageant''
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:* '''[[Canvas of the Mother]]''' -- ''The Grand Pavilion''
|[[File:Mortal Sophia Árpád.jpg|200px]] '''[[Sophia Árpád]]''' -- ''<br> {} []''
:* '''[[Grotesquery]]''' -- ''The Freak Show''
:* '''[[House of the Profligate]]''' -- ''The Houses of Pleasure''
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:* '''[[Odeum]]''' -- ''A Guild of Medieval Entertainers''
|[[File:Ilaria of Sicily.jpg|200px]] '''[[Ilaria]]''' -- ''<br> {A young girl of Sicily, working as a prostitute in a brothel in Verona.<br> Bedded by Rambert and lured into the Pageant.} [New]''
:* '''[[Pavilion of Asclepius]]''' -- ''Healers of the body, mind and soul'' ''{Lost some members, others may be injured.}''
:* '''[[Shanty of Fools]]''' -- ''Priesthood of the Profane''
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:* '''[[Shrine of Kairos]]''' -- ''Temple of Opportunities''
|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
:* '''[[Tent of Vulcan]]''' -- ''Pavilion of Creation and crafting
:* '''[[Tent of Dionysus]]''' -- ''The Nomad's High Hall''
:* '''[[Wagon of Impedimenta]]''' -- ''Known as The Baggage Wagon, in reality there are several wagons used to haul various tools and miscellaneous pageant items.  Rebuilt and upgraded after Erdach Kodesh ''
===== The Erotes =====
:* '''[[Truckle Tents]]''' -- ''Camp followers of the Pageant''
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|[[File:Mortal Armen the Procurer.jpg|200px]] '''[[Armen]]''' -- <br>''Armen is the youthful procurer of the Erotes and a inveterate flatterer.'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Mehdi]]''' --<br> ''An attractive young Persian boy recently acquired by the Erotes to replace two recently deceased sacred whores.'' {} [New Member]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Nahum]]''' --<br> ''A beautiful Syrian brother and sister fused together by the dark powers of the pageant after they attempted to escape, they now serve as the camp's hermaphroditic prostitute.'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Rasmus]]''' -- <br>''A Danish youth whose athletic body and sexual stamina make him the work-horse of the Erotes, but whose own love never seems to be fulfilled.'' {} [New Member]
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|[[File:Mortal Sámi.jpg|200px]] '''[[Sámi]]''' -- <br>''A warrior of Finland whose love of sweet southern wines and lust for more refined pleasures drew him into the pageant and he now serves the retinue as both protector and jailer.'' {} []
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|[[File:Mortal Frater Eadweard.jpg|200px]] '''[[Frater Eadweard]]''' -- <br>''The Saxon priest has only just joined the Erotes, but he has quickly come to fill the recently vacant role of "Hymenaeus", an ancient position long held<br> by an older male, usually a priest of one sort or another who officiates the acts of "sacred prostitution" giving these pleasures a acceptability.'' {} [New Member]
=== Lodge of the Dervishes ===
:* '''[[The Scouting Party]]'''
==== Dancers ====
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|[[File:Mortal Salome the serpent dancer.jpg|200px]] '''[[Salome]]''' -- ''Wife of the Serpent'' -- {} []
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|[[File:Mortal Sunngifu.jpg|200px]] '''[[Sunngifu]]''' -- ''The Wolf-dancer '' -- {A young Saxon woman married to Eadwulf} [New Member]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Chanda]]''' -- ''The Fire Dancer'' {} []
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=== Mithraeum ===
== '''Locations Protected''' ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">''"Few are aware that these tents and homes are protected by mystical means. During the autumn of 1096, the Pageant sojourned to Erdach Kodesh, and in that place Aegon Nightshade discovered that the following places are protected by non-ordinary methods. Areas protected by displacement shunt spiritual visitors away from the area almost before they know it has happened. Whereas places warded simply forbid entry and or obscure the spiritual beings senses. This marks locations of significant risk to spirits or those disembodied and visiting them should not be undertaken lightly."'' -- Aegon Nightshade
==== Brotherhood of the Blade ====
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|[[File:Mortal Arnviðr Warleader.jpg|200px]] '''[[Arnviðr]]''' -- ''The Varagarian'' {}
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Tariel]]''' -- ''The Knight in the Panther's Skin'' {Georgian} []
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|[[File:Mortal Æthelred.jpg|200px]] '''[[Æthelred]]''' -- ''The Hammer'' {Saxon Smith} [New Member]
==== The Four Horsemen ====
=== Areas of Displacement ===
Obviously, the four horsemen are equestrians, and as such they stand well above the other pageant performers because they are warriors who ride, rather than walk.
:* '''[[Tent of Vulcan]]'''
:* '''[[Grotesquery]]'''
:* '''Tents of the Acrobats''', attached to the [[Canvas of the Mother]]
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=== Areas Warded ===
|[[File:Garou Vulo Vodach.jpg|200px]] '''[[Vulo Vodach]]''' -- ''Leader'' {A Bulgarian man in his middle years.}
:* '''Argont's Tent'''
:* '''Bekhet's Tent'''
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:* '''Mordblund's Tent'''
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Gentius]]''' -- '''' {} []
:* '''Mauritanus' Wagon'''
:* '''Vulo's Tent'''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Jamaal]]''' -- '''' {} []
==== Sons of Hercules (strongmen) ====
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Gianni]]''' -- ''Gianni as the Venetian Hercules prefers to be called, is the eldest of the strongmen, a first among equals and the mentor of all new strongmen; he is well liked by all.'' {Venetian} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Praxiteles]]''' -- '''' {Greek} []
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=== Odeum ===
== '''Mementos:''' ''Stories of the Dead Pageanteers'' ==
:* '''[[Arnviðr]]''' -- ''The Varagarian'' {Russian} [Beheaded in Erdach Kodesh in June of 1096]
:* '''[[Fedelmid]]''' -- ''Abortionist / Midwife'' {Celt} [Ancient member - she was killed in Erdach Kodesh in June of 1096]
:* '''[[Sahak]]''' -- ''The Conjurer'' {Armenian vampire of the Ravnos}
The Odeum serves as the locus of all dramatic and musical performances. But like many ''places'' within the domain of the pageant, it is amorphous, being made up of a dozen pageant-wagons that serve as a mobile stage upon which performances are ''streamed'' to the masses as the wagons pass through village or town. Alternatively, the pageant wagons can set up in a fixed location, in which case the wagons form up into a circle, cutting out sights and sounds of the greater pageant and delineating the circled wagons as a magical-mysterious place called the ''"Theater"''.
:* '''[[Bes]]''' -- ''The Elder Dwarf'' -- {The Egyptian dwarf named Bes has been with the Pageant as long as anyone can remember.}
:* '''[[Kesali]]''' -- ''An orphaned Roma girl, who has been taken in by the pageant; she has recently taken shelter with Giulia the bearded-lady after the death of her friend Sahak.'' [Deceased]
==== Actors ====
:* '''Aldo''' -- ''The Retinue's latest acquisition, Aldo's child's body and adult attitude make him a valuable commodity and he also serves to control his more emotional brother Theo.'' {} [Deceased]
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:* '''[[Theotleip]]''' -- ''The second of the Retinue's most recent additions, his athletic body, boyish ways and beauty serve to make him a jewel among the Erotes whose services do not come cheap. A favorite among homosexual pedophiles, he serves as the most recent honey-pot of the Erotes. '' {} [New Member]
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Mervyn]]''' -- ''The Chief Narrator'' {Welsh}
:* '''[[Belenus]]''' -- ''The Erlking'' {Deceased: Killed in Rome by Frater Eadweard, October of 1094 A.D.}
:* '''[[Einarr]]''' -- ''The Giant'' {} []
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:* '''[[Landebert]]''' -- ''Drover Boy'' {} [Deceased - murdered in Mainz in the later days of May, 1096]
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Gennadi]]''' -- ''The Heroic Knight and fair brother of Semyon, the Blackguard'' {Russian}
:* '''[[Waramunt of Hasek]]''' -- ''White Rabbit'' [Waramunt died a horrible death in Erdach Kodesh during June of 1096]
:* '''[[Agilulf the Lombard]]''' -- ''Little Wolf'' [Killed via Rambert's defiler magic on Erdach Kodesh in December of 1096]
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:* '''[[Yellow Tents]]''' -- ''Worshipers of Fire'' [As far as anyone knows, all 7 or 8 members of the yellow tents died recently in Erdach Kodesh - June 1096]
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Semyon]]''' -- ''The Blackguard, the dark brother of Gennadi, the Heroic Knight'' {Russian}
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Martijn Drappoline]]''' -- ''The Pauper Prince''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Egbert Appolonius]]''' -- ''The Mad Merchant''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Sybilla Raimundte]]''' -- ''Empress Rosalind''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Hannelore Goldschmidt]]''' -- ''Beautiful Princess''
==== Minstrels ====
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Eleftherios]]''' -- ''First Castrato joined the pageant under the reign of the Byzantine empress Aelia Eudoxia. A strict taskmaster, he demands only the best of his castrati singers.'' {Byzantine} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Körbl Achilles]]''' -- ''Lyre Player'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Okropir Friedhelm]]''' -- ''Drummer/percussionist'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Julian Fabel]]''' -- ''Pan Pipes/ Dancer/ Dancing Rat trainer'' {} []
==== Playwright ====
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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=== Pavilion of Asclepius ===
== '''Intrigues:''' ''Camps Within the Pageant'' ==
:* '''[[Vulo's Camp]]'''
:* '''[[Bekhet's Camp]]'''
:* '''[[Mauritanus's Camp]]'''
==== Therapeutae (''healers'') ====
:* '''[[The Conspiracy]]'''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Fedelmid]]''' -- ''Abortionist / Midwife'' {Celt} [Ancient member]
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|[[File:Medieval Barbar Surgeon Blagoy Zhivkov.jpg|200px]] '''[[Blagoy]]''' -- ''Barbar-Surgeon'' {Bulgarian} [Junior member - 100 years]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Massimo Riva]]''' -- ''Exorcist'' {Italian} [20 years] -- Former Priest
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Alban Barre]]''' -- ''The pageant's only plague doctor, he is a significant earner in times of plague, the rest of the time he is the principle coffin maker.'' {Frankish} [New member -- 5 years] -- Former physician to the Capetian king Philip I - ''the Amorous'' -- Banished by his king for some failure or other.
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=== Shanty of Fools ===  
== '''Things Unique to the Pageant''' ==
:* '''[[Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant]]''' --  Anyone who deals with the circus for a period of time gains some level of knowledge about its inhabitants and the magic around it.  This knowledge reflects that.
:*'''On the Nature of the ''Soul'':''' The number of ''soul'' points a character possesses is equal to twice the value of that characters permanent '''Willpower'''. i.e. if a character has a permanent '''Willpower''' of 6, they have 12 ''soul'' points. When the Pageant is in control of all of the character's ''soul'' points, they will be possibly consumed by the ''Management'' of the Pageant.
The lodgings and performance venue of the pageant's collective of fools, the shanty is a ramshackle structure formed of spare sackcloth, rope, odds and ends and fallen logs. While distinctly unimpressive as seen from without, once inside the ''Shanty'' visitors and pageant-folk who are not fools themselves become lost in a maze of clothbound corridors whose dimensions far exceed ''normal'' expectations. But the Shanty is not a maze, so much as a labyrinth which leads the brave ever deeper towards a central chamber called the ''"Tabernacle"''. All along the corridors of the shanty-labyrinth are recesses in which ''scenes'' are played out for the paying visitors and for those who trespass within the private sanctum of the fools. These scenes are ''supposed'' to serve as a series of morality plays meant to remind the visitor-folk of their ethical and spiritual obligations and what ''might'' await them after death should they they fail to keep faith. But, all-too-often, these ''performances'' do the opposite, revealing the ''holes'' in medieval life and presenting the visitor with a distinct emotional or moral dilemma which they must solve if they wish to escape the Shanty by reaching the central ''"Tabernacle of Fools"''. All too often, however, visitors who enter are never seen again and it is assumed by those within their communities that they simply ran away with the pageant.  
==== Tabernacle of Fools ====
[[File:St.Calendas Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair Shanty of Fools Tabernacle.jpg]]
==== Fools ====
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|[[File:King Fool Nabil ibn Saqr.jpg|200px]] '''[[Nabil ibn Saqr]]''' -- ''The King Fool'' {Persian}
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|[[File:Clown Wan Lady.jpg|200px]] '''[[Wan Lady]]''' -- '''' {}
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|[[File:Clown Hellequin.jpg|200px]] '''[[Hellequin]]''' -- '''' {}
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|[[File:Clown Hellequin.jpg|200px]] '''[[Bozho]]''' -- '''' {}
'''Quote:''' ''"Three mages, a Cappadocian vampire and a whole slough of sad clowns."'' -- Rambert the Oneriomancer
=== Items ===
:* '''[[Antiramhyras Device]]''' -- This device opens gateways from one world to another allowing the Pageant to journey across the cosmos.
:* '''[[The Arrow of Mercury]]''' -- The arrow is a divining rod for local gateways.
:* '''[[Vedastus Star Ring]]''' -- A minor artifact based on the Antiramhyras device that allows up to three individuals to use a gate for forward reconnaissance.
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=== Tent of Dionysus ===
== '''The Road Less Traveled By...''' ==
[[File:St.Calendas Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair Tent of Dionysus1.jpg]]
:* '''[[Alexandria-- medieval|The City of Memory]]''' -- Alexandria 1096
:* '''Paris'''
:* '''Trier'''
This tent is the central meeting point for pageant-folk and pageant-goers, a place of refuge that is both commissary and watering-hole, but it is also the axis around which the pageant community revolves.
:* '''[[Mag Nell]]'''
:* '''[[Erdach Kodesh]]: The Land of Ascendance'''
==== Drudges ====
:* '''[[Dionaea]]'''
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|[[File:Mortal Sender the Treasurer.jpg|200px]] '''[[Sender]]''' -- ''The Jew'' {Sender is a Alexandrian Jew and serves as the the pageant's treasurer. He serves directly beneath Vulo Vodach and publicly he is the second most important official of the pageant.}
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|[[File:Medieval Cook Rodolph.jpg|200px]] '''[[Rodolph]]''' -- ''The Mess sergeant of the pageant is a wide bodied Frank slowly going to flab. He joined the pageant during its sojourn in England after his discharge from the army of William the Conqueror. To his friends he is Rudy and his many lovers Rudy-Bear.'' {Frankish} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- ''Drover'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- ''Hosteler'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Maurizio]]''' -- ''The pageant's main handyman and the lead roustabout.'' {Florentine} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[File:Medieval Smith Argont.jpg|200px]] '''[[Argont]]''' -- ''The Hammer as Argont is called, is an elderly mass of muscle who serves as the pageant's smith. While there is no question of his skill at the forge, his origins lie in mystery, though some say he is from Crete or Cyprus.'' {} []
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|[[File:Medieval Man Divan.jpg|200px]] '''[[Divan]]''' -- ''The Finder'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Vítor]]''' -- ''The lead animal groom'' {Galician} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Fermin]]''' -- ''The leader of the supply crew, who make trips into villages and towns, he supplements his earnings with petty theft.'' {Basque} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[]]''' -- '''' {} []
=== Storytellers ===
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|[[File:Lasombra Theodoric.jpg|200px]] '''[[Theodoric]]''' -- ''The Storyteller'' among pageant goers, but the pageant players know him better as ''The Goth.''
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=== Yellow Tents ===
== '''Soundtracks''' ==
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Ignatius]]''' -- ''The Pyromancer'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Shahriyar Attar]]''' -- ''Incense Seller'' {} []
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Anush]]''' -- ''The Candy Maker'' {} []
==== Serafin Family of Fire Eaters ====
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Benvenuto Serafin]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Gemma Serafin]]''' -- '' ()''
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Bonaccorso Serafin]]''' -- '' ()''
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: left;"
|[[ |200px]] '''[[Francesca Serafin]]''' -- '' ()''
== '''''Ashes & Dust:''''' - Dead Pageanteers ==
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|[[File:Ravnos male Sahak.jpg|200px]] '''[[Sahak]]''' -- ''The Conjurer'' {Armenian vampire of the Ravnos}
'''His Fate:''' Sahak had the misfortune to cross paths with a most disagreeable mage, a member of the Hermetic House of Tremere, named [[Lord Casmir]] in [[Nürnberg]] during the late days of April in 1094 A.D. Sadly, he played with fire and he got burned. Although he did not die the final death then and there, later during the day his body was consumed from within and he was no more. He left behind a few friends, several ghoul pets and a young protégé named [[Kesali]].
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|[[File:Dwarf Bes.jpg|200px]] '''[[Bes]]''' -- ''The Elder Dwarf'' -- {The Egyptian dwarf named Bes has been with the Pageant as long as anyone can remember.}
'''His Fate:''' Bes' tryst with the witch Godiva ended, unexpectedly, when Godiva in an attempt to save him, teleported him five feet down beneath the earth of his tent after he was poisoned by a unknown assassin. While Bes is dead, he will not remain that way for more than a few decades for as a member of the Shem-su-Heru (Egyptian Mummy), he is immortal and will be reborn. How he will feel about Godiva when he returns is anyone's guess.
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|[[File:Mortal Kesali.jpg|200px]] '''[[Kesali]]''' -- ''An orphaned Roma girl, who has been taken in by the pageant; she has recently taken shelter with Giulia the bearded-lady after the death of her friend Sahak.'' [Deceased]
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|'''Aldo''' -- ''The Retinue's latest acquisition, Aldo's child's body and adult attitude make him a valuable commodity and he also serves to control his more emotional brother Theo.'' {} [Deceased]
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|[[ |200px]] '''[[Theotleip]]''' -- ''The second of the Retinue's most recent additions, his athletic body, boyish ways and beauty serve to make him a jewel among the Erotes whose services do not come cheap. A favorite among homosexual pedophiles, he serves as the most recent honey-pot of the Erotes. '' {} [New Member]
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|[[File:Changeling Belenus.jpg|200px]] '''[[Belenus]]''' -- ''The Erlking'' {Deceased: Killed in Rome by Frater Eadweard, October of 1094 A.D.}
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== Websites ==
== '''Websites''' ==

Latest revision as of 13:48, 3 July 2023

World of Darkness -- Medieval - SCWPOLF- Windows Into the Fair

Pageant Art 1.jpg


"Another day in this carnival of souls"
"Another nights ends, end as quickly as it goes"
"The memories are shadows; ink on the page"
"And I can't seem to find my way home"

"All the places I've been and things I've seen"
"A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams"
"The faces of people I'll never see again"
"And I can't seem to find my way home"

-- Far From Home by Five Finger Death Punch

Elder Argot

  • Centering: Centering is the process of becoming more invested in the Pageant, and also the gathering of power, of becoming part of the Center of the Safnara af Myrki.
  • Carna: The original power that the Pageant serves.
  • Displacement (spiritual):
  • Fugue: The memory fuzziness that comes from shifting between worlds. Sometimes a difficult jump results in dizziness, dry mouth, and headache. Supernaturals shrug this off in short time, weaker members suffer sometimes for days.
  • The Powers that Be aka Safnara af Myrkri: The powers that are in control of the pageant.
  • Master of Ceremonies:The individual who interprets the signs of Safnara af Myrkri to guide the Carnival.
  • Master of Two Worlds: This is the being in charge of regulating the life energy being sent to Safnara af Myrkri. In effect the master becomes the Tax Collector of the Pageant. During most of the Pageants history a vampire has filled this position, beginning with Namrael's sacrifice.
  • Master of Gateways: The avatar of the Gateways that allow the Pageant to move from place to place. Never in Fugue, this is a demanding position that wears on the holder.
  • Namrael: The Cainite who sacrificed herself for the Pageant.
  • Physis: The periods of intense activity by members of the Pageant.
  • Road of Carna: The philosophy of the Lady's true followers.
  • The Wyrdling Wall: This is a dimmly understood and acknowledged term used by the Pageanters to refer to the bubble of chimera that surrounds the Pageant. Those who are Pageant members become distorted to everyone around them. Not even those who are within the Pageant are immune, they see other members within the Wyrdling Wall as the chimera alters them. This effect clings to them even for a time as they leave the Pageant.

Caveat Emptor!

From caveat, "may he beware", a subjunctive form of cavēre, "to beware" + ēmptor, "buyer") is Latin for "Let the buyer beware". Generally, caveat emptor is the contract law principle that controls the sale of real property after the date of closing, but may also apply to sales of other goods. The phrase caveat emptor and its use as a disclaimer of warranties arise from the fact that buyers typically have less information about the good or service they are purchasing, while the seller has more information. The quality of this situation is known as 'information asymmetry'. Defects in the good or service may be hidden from the buyer, and only known to the seller.

Histories of the Wandering Pageant

But when the amphitheatres became only empty shells, the old performers did not suddenly disappear. You would find them straggling over the highways of this old Roman world, stopping at a barbarian court, drawing a crowd at a fair: the weight-lifter, the acrobat, the daring horseback rider, the man leading a bear. As an after-image in the European mind, perhaps in the living linkage of the flesh, from generation to generation, handing on their arts from parents to children, sometimes greatly venturesome, but no longer committed to death, the old circus folk perhaps continued their play. The monks' chronicles would not notice them, nor, if aware of their existence, even be able to identify them. But as shadow or substance, the circus remained in existence and eventually came back to life in the modem city. Expunged of their Roman sins, the surviving circuses and menageries still recall the Roman way of life. They remind one, too, that Rome itself was once upon a time ‘the greatest show on earth’.

-- Lewis Mumford, The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformation, and Its Prospects.

Mythic Origins

The Nomadic Festivals of Cara

The Luna Circus

The Nomadic Reliquary, Extraordinary Jubilee and Nazarene Marketplace

St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

The Ouroboros Exchange, Wandering Exposition and Twilight Fair

Anastagio's Olde Time Lunar Carnival and Midnight Circus

Locations & Attendants: Places of Interest and the Dwellers Within

St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair is made up of numerous locations, great and small, that make up the warp and weft of not only the day-to-day entertainments, but of the behind the scenes pageant members lives, loves and tribulations. The pageant comprises seventy odd wagons and half as many tents, but only a dozens or so seem to have enough significance to count as landmarks in the nebulous night-scape of this traveling circus. Many of the locales serve as focal points for pageant-goers and pageant-folk alike.

Locations Protected

"Few are aware that these tents and homes are protected by mystical means. During the autumn of 1096, the Pageant sojourned to Erdach Kodesh, and in that place Aegon Nightshade discovered that the following places are protected by non-ordinary methods. Areas protected by displacement shunt spiritual visitors away from the area almost before they know it has happened. Whereas places warded simply forbid entry and or obscure the spiritual beings senses. This marks locations of significant risk to spirits or those disembodied and visiting them should not be undertaken lightly." -- Aegon Nightshade

Areas of Displacement

Areas Warded

  • Argont's Tent
  • Bekhet's Tent
  • Mordblund's Tent
  • Mauritanus' Wagon
  • Vulo's Tent

Mementos: Stories of the Dead Pageanteers

  • Arnviðr -- The Varagarian {Russian} [Beheaded in Erdach Kodesh in June of 1096]
  • Fedelmid -- Abortionist / Midwife {Celt} [Ancient member - she was killed in Erdach Kodesh in June of 1096]
  • Sahak -- The Conjurer {Armenian vampire of the Ravnos}
  • Bes -- The Elder Dwarf -- {The Egyptian dwarf named Bes has been with the Pageant as long as anyone can remember.}
  • Kesali -- An orphaned Roma girl, who has been taken in by the pageant; she has recently taken shelter with Giulia the bearded-lady after the death of her friend Sahak. [Deceased]
  • Aldo -- The Retinue's latest acquisition, Aldo's child's body and adult attitude make him a valuable commodity and he also serves to control his more emotional brother Theo. {} [Deceased]
  • Theotleip -- The second of the Retinue's most recent additions, his athletic body, boyish ways and beauty serve to make him a jewel among the Erotes whose services do not come cheap. A favorite among homosexual pedophiles, he serves as the most recent honey-pot of the Erotes. {} [New Member]
  • Belenus -- The Erlking {Deceased: Killed in Rome by Frater Eadweard, October of 1094 A.D.}
  • Einarr -- The Giant {} []
  • Landebert -- Drover Boy {} [Deceased - murdered in Mainz in the later days of May, 1096]
  • Waramunt of Hasek -- White Rabbit [Waramunt died a horrible death in Erdach Kodesh during June of 1096]
  • Agilulf the Lombard -- Little Wolf [Killed via Rambert's defiler magic on Erdach Kodesh in December of 1096]
  • Yellow Tents -- Worshipers of Fire [As far as anyone knows, all 7 or 8 members of the yellow tents died recently in Erdach Kodesh - June 1096]

Intrigues: Camps Within the Pageant

Things Unique to the Pageant

  • Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant -- Anyone who deals with the circus for a period of time gains some level of knowledge about its inhabitants and the magic around it. This knowledge reflects that.
  • On the Nature of the Soul: The number of soul points a character possesses is equal to twice the value of that characters permanent Willpower. i.e. if a character has a permanent Willpower of 6, they have 12 soul points. When the Pageant is in control of all of the character's soul points, they will be possibly consumed by the Management of the Pageant.


  • Antiramhyras Device -- This device opens gateways from one world to another allowing the Pageant to journey across the cosmos.
  • The Arrow of Mercury -- The arrow is a divining rod for local gateways.
  • Vedastus Star Ring -- A minor artifact based on the Antiramhyras device that allows up to three individuals to use a gate for forward reconnaissance.

The Road Less Traveled By...









