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== Need to be Reviewed ==
== Need to be Reviewed ==
'''Level 5:'''
'''Level 5:''' Necromancy
'''Name:''' Goid na Beatha do Fhuinneamh (Theft of Life Energy)
'''Name:''' Goid na Beatha do Fhuinneamh (Theft of Life Energy) Finished in Summer of 1098
'''Description:''' The metaphysical idea of taking and using another's life force is one of the earliest magic.  It exists in almost every culture and style of magic.  The process is normally very long and very ritualistic.  This makes it very hard to take advantage of plentiful amount of life force being lost on the battlefield.  With this ritual the caster performs the sacrifice ahead of time, makes the weapon ready for battlefield death.  The sacrificed is focused and bound to the object by elemental balance of all 5 elements.  From that point forward the weapon is always ready for further battlefield sacrifices.
'''Description:''' The metaphysical idea of taking and using another's life force is one of the earliest magic.  It exists in almost every culture and style of magic.  The process is normally very long and very ritualistic.  This makes it very hard to take advantage of plentiful amount of life force being lost on the battlefield.  With this ritual the caster performs the sacrifice ahead of time, makes the weapon ready for battlefield death.  The sacrificed is focused and bound to the object by elemental balance of all 5 elements.  From that point forward the weapon is always ready for further battlefield sacrifices.
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'''Notes:''' This is in the weapon making series.
'''Notes:''' This is in the weapon making series.
'''Level 2'''
:* [[Tyveri av Livsenergi]] -- The Viking version of Goid na Beatha do Fhuinneamh (Theft of Life Energy) Finished in Summer of 1098
'''Name''' Éadaí de ceo agus scáth (Clothing of Mist and Shadow)
'''Description''' Allows clothes and other non-magical accoutrement to change when Path of [[Transformation]] is used.  All clothing had to be created by Path of [[Conjuring]].  The ritual is done on each piece of clothing and they each change.  They can only change into similar items. If the person was wearing underwear, socks, pants and a shirt before the change they must be wearing similar items after the change.  Pants can change to a skirt but shirt and pants can not become a dress.  Socks can't disappear but can change to stockings or hose.  Changes occur at the same speed as the use of Path of [[Transformation]].
== New Ideas ==
'''Origin''' Brian O'Reilly
'''Level 3'''  
'''Casting''' Each item of clothing must first be conjured with Path of [[Conjuring]].  That item of clothing is then taken into a circle with the caster.  Nothing else can be in the circle.  The caster writes his true name on a piece of ceremonially prepared parchment.  The parchment is burned using a purified candle.  The ashes are hung over purified burning incense.  The ashes are soaked with the item of clothing in purifed water.
'''Name''' Imbue with the Essence of Shadow
'''System''' Caster rolls Int + Rituals, successes equal number of months enchantment will last.  All damage to clothing is "fixed" when transformed.  For each 10% of the Garment that is destroyed or not recovered the duration on the enchantment loses 1 success (1 month).  At the end of the enchantment the clothing will no longer change.  This ritual can not be used on armor although clothing can have Path of [[Transmutation]] used on it as normal.
'''Description''' Enchants an item with a level of Arcane, making it harder for anyone other than the caster to find it
'''Notes''' Simple items of jewelry can be changed and count as a Garment for this ritual.  The system for damage is little clunky but it should cost energy to rebuild a bullet hole but the enchantment should not fail for the same bullet hole. 
'''Origin''' [[Eadwulf]]
'''Level 5'''
'''Name:''' Ullmhacht Litrithe Cath Treoraí ar (Battle Mage's Spell Readiness)
'''Description''': In a world of supernatural speed a Magus can be out gunned.  As with all rituals the solution is being ready for the situation.  Using the matrix from [[Suspension of Incantation]] the Magus stores combat magic.  When released it it avaiable to the Magus to use the energy stored at their direction.  In a very classic hermetic way the power of ones combat magics are stored in a piece of jewelry.  In this case it is designed around a penticle with 5 stones at the points an 1 in the center.  The caster can then use his magic at full power even in a fight at super natural speeds.
'''Origin''' : Brian O'Reilly / Sorka
'''Casting''': Caster takes a piece of well made jewelry with 6 or more gem stone of good quality. Caster makes a clean ritual space.  Caster goes through clensing on both them selves and jewelry item.  Each Path or Ritual to be stored is cast with a gem as the target and is absorbed into one of the gems.  After all spells have been cast the Caster sets each of the gems into each point of the penticle and one in the center then chants asking the elements for strength to bind the spells until called.  The magic is set with the casters will.
'''System''': Roll Int + Rituals casting take 7 hours minus 1 hour for each success on the ritual. Ritual can store up to six castings that are then stored in each of the gems.  Each casting will attach to one of the gems.  A willpower point is spent to set the jewelry as a permanant item. No additional willpower is needed at first casting.  To recharge the gems requires a willpower point per gem when done after the initial casting.  All the casting's can be used as a free action up to the casters wits rating.  If the effect requires targeting they will need to use a dice pool to target.  No dice pool is needed to target the caster, something(or someone) the caster is holding or a general area(up to ST)
== New Ideas ==
'''Level 3''' Necromancy
'''Level 3''' Necromancy
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'''Level 3'''
'''Level 3'''
'''Name''': Lann na Fola Gcroí.
'''Name''': Faigh Fola an Chroí (Find the Heart's Blood)
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'''Level 5'''  Necromancy
'''Level 5'''  Necromancy
'''Name''': Tabhair taibhse a bhfuil tú
'''Name''': Ag Úsáid Cumhacht na Biotáillí (Using the Power of Spirits)
'''Description''': This allows the Necromancer to channel energys to fuel Wraith arcanoi.  While this ritual is active the necromancer would be able to use any arcanoi that they knew.  This gives the caster the tools to learn the various arcanoi.
'''Description''': This allows the Necromancer to channel energys to fuel Wraith arcanoi.  While this ritual is active the necromancer would be able to use any arcanoi that they knew.  This gives the caster the tools to learn the various arcanoi.

Latest revision as of 12:50, 4 October 2018

Back to Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book

Need to be Reviewed

Level 5: Necromancy

Name: Goid na Beatha do Fhuinneamh (Theft of Life Energy) Finished in Summer of 1098

Description: The metaphysical idea of taking and using another's life force is one of the earliest magic. It exists in almost every culture and style of magic. The process is normally very long and very ritualistic. This makes it very hard to take advantage of plentiful amount of life force being lost on the battlefield. With this ritual the caster performs the sacrifice ahead of time, makes the weapon ready for battlefield death. The sacrificed is focused and bound to the object by elemental balance of all 5 elements. From that point forward the weapon is always ready for further battlefield sacrifices.

Origin: Brian O'Reilly

Ingredients: 1 Mortals who's life essence is colored by violence towards the caster; weapon to be enchanted(see casting); a representation of all five elements of the highest quality and normal circle build materials.

Casting: The caster must know the weapon in all respects to set up the link with the weapon. There are three main ways to do this; Create the weapon from scratch; Have used the weapon long enough to know it(up to ST) or use the ritual Prepare a Weapon of Choice. Using the weapon that you know the caster must perform a sacrifice. The caster captures a mortal who has physically attacked the them. This mortal is prepared and ritually stabbed; the weapon being enchanted is left and slowly absorbs the life of the victim over a seven hour period. The caster must focus the spell to capture the life force. The victim will be alive until the final part of the ritual, they will feel pain with the initial strike but after that they will just feel their life seep away.

System: Caster rolls Int + Rituals (dif 7) total of 7 successes needed. One roll can be done each hour for the three nights of the dark of the moon. Enchanted weapon converts up to 7 of the damage dealt to a target to life force for the caster. The target takes no additional damage, nor does it change the type of damage dealt to the target. Caster must be holding the weapon for the ritual to work. This is a permanant enchantment on the weapon.

Notes: This is in the weapon making series.

  • Tyveri av Livsenergi -- The Viking version of Goid na Beatha do Fhuinneamh (Theft of Life Energy) Finished in Summer of 1098

New Ideas

Level 3

Name Imbue with the Essence of Shadow

Description Enchants an item with a level of Arcane, making it harder for anyone other than the caster to find it

Origin Eadwulf




Level 3 Necromancy

Name Ag baint úsáide as na marbh a léamh na línte chinniúint (Using the dead to read the lines of fate)

Description Enchants a weapon to give the caster fore-knowledge of what is to come. The Lady of Fate gives the weilder a warning of any attack on them, allowing the weilder to defend againest any attacker.

Origin Brian O'Reilly



Notes: Part of the Weapon making ritual series

Level 4

Name: Coinnigh an cumhacht ag an féin (Storing the Power of the Self)

Description Allows the caster to store willpower for later use, this willpower could be used to power disiplines or heal wounds only.





Level 3

Name: Faigh Fola an Chroí (Find the Heart's Blood)




System Intellgence + Rituals, first success adds one to the casters Throwing pool. Every 2 success after the first add additional one to the casters throwing pool. The caster must have the Throwing skill or Athletics with a focus in Throwing.

NotesPart of the Weapons ritual line

Level 5 Necromancy

Name: Ag Úsáid Cumhacht na Biotáillí (Using the Power of Spirits)

Description: This allows the Necromancer to channel energys to fuel Wraith arcanoi. While this ritual is active the necromancer would be able to use any arcanoi that they knew. This gives the caster the tools to learn the various arcanoi.





Level 3

Name: The Servent's Obiendence

Description: Allows caster to leave a command or series of instructions with a true servent. With the completion a pre set series of events the servent is compelled to complete instrutions left with them.


Casting: The command(s) and what causes the command to happen are written out in the casters blood. This takes one point of the casters blood. Within the casters ritual circle the parchment is burned, the ashes are mixed with an additional point of the casters blood. The mixture is then fed to a servant sealing the ritual.

System: Roll Int + Rituals; success equal number of times the command will happen. A servant is defined as anyone who is at least one step blood bound. The ritual will last until no more commands are aviaible or until the person no longer has the casters blood in their system.
