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Eliel and his soldiers found themselves fighting monsters as the sun set.  Monsters with too many heads, too many arms, too many legs.  They moved unbelievably fast, were very hard to kill and were brutal. As the last of his men fell, a beautiful blond warrior came into the clearing and helped Eliel fight off the last of them. She introduced herself as Brunehild. She gave him a potion to drink to help heal his wounds.  Over the next couple of days she fed him more, and he became faster, stronger, and fell deeply in love with her.  
Eliel and his soldiers found themselves fighting monsters as the sun set.  Monsters with too many heads, too many arms, too many legs.  They moved unbelievably fast, were very hard to kill and were brutal. As the last of his men fell, a beautiful blond warrior came into the clearing and helped Eliel fight off the last of them. She introduced herself as Brunehild. She gave him a potion to drink to help heal his wounds.  Over the next couple of days she fed him more, and he became faster, stronger, and fell deeply in love with her.  

For the next fifty years Eliel was Brunhildes servant and lover.  She kept him in thrall, and he was her best soldier.  He recruited others to her cause, and she threw them against the Tzimisce over and over.  With her training and backing, Eliels men were effective fighters, damaging the Tzimisce control of the area. Eliel became known as "The Wolf" because of his howl as he entered battle.  
For the next fifty years Eliel was Brunhildes servant and lover.  She kept him in thrall, and he was her best soldier.  He recruited others to her cause, and she threw them against the Tzimisce over and over.  With her training and backing, Eliels men and women were effective fighters, damaging the Tzimisce control of the area. Eliel became known as "The Wolf" because of his howl as he entered battle and his brilliant, ruthless strategy.
While in blood thrall to Brunhilde, she encouraged Eliel to take women to bed, to sow his seed through eastern Europe.  He fell in real, emotional love with a warrior woman named Idunn. Brunhilde was put off by their romance.  Watching Eliel and Idunn have their romance bothered her more than a little, and she was jealous of them.  When their amoury was too much for her, she embraced Eliel and left them in the woods of Bulgaria. 
Eliel, now a vampire, ghouled Idunn, and the two fled south away from the Tzimisce and Tremere.  In time they crossed the channel, and tried to find a place in northern Briton.  The two lovers made a farmstead, and lived a stable frontier life.  In time it became aparent that before he became a vampire, Eliel had impregnated Idunn.  Now as a ghoul their child grew slowly in her belly.  After carrying the child for nearly three years, she gave birth to their son Arkadios. He began to grow and change, and Eliel and Idunn were happy.
The locals began to resent their lords, and there was some rebellion talk. Elial had tried to remain hidden from the Ventrue of Britain, and had been mostly successful. When the locals did an uprising, they burned out several of the local lords, and there was much fighting. Eliel and Idunn tried to stay out of it, but the soldiers came to their farmstead, and Idunn and Arkadios slew them.
In the night, Mithras swept through the region like an avenging angel.  He found Eliel, Idunn, and Arkadios.  He put Eliel in torpor, and slew Idunn and Arkadios.
When Eliel came out of torpor, his farmstead was gone.  It had been taken down and the area of his farm plowed. Eliel has been planning revenge ever since.  

Latest revision as of 22:27, 1 March 2025

Gangrel Brunhilde.jpg Eliel Levchenko.jpg Gangrel clan logo.png
Character: Eliel Levchenko Nature: Monster Clan: Gangrel
Player: NPC Demeanor: Prophet Generation 7th
Chronicle: London - Pax Britannica Concept: [] Sire: Brunhilde '
Allegiance: ' Reservation: [] Coterie: []
Birth: 1178 Weakness: [] Embrace: 1250
--- Cameo: [] The Gangrel of London Circa 1900
--- --- Progeny: Marjaana Dekker
--- --- ---
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●●● ● Charisma ●●●●○ Perception ●●●●●
Dexterity ●●●●● Manipulation ●●●●● Intelligence ●●●●● ●
Stamina ●●●●● Appearance ●●○○○ Wits ●●●●○
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ○○○○○ () Animal Ken ○○○○○ () Academics ○○○○○ ()
Athletics ○○○○○ () Commerce ○○○○○ () Enigmas ○○○○○ ()
Awareness ○○○○○ () Crafts ○○○○○ () Hearth Wisdom ○○○○○ ()
Brawl ○○○○○ () Etiquette ○○○○○ () Investigation ○○○○○ ()
Empathy ○○○○○ () Firearms ○○○○○ () Law ○○○○○ ()
Expression ○○○○○ () Melee ○○○○○ () Medicine ○○○○○ ()
Intimidation ○○○○○ () Performance ○○○○○ () Occult ○○○○○ ()
Leadership ○○○○○ () Ride ○○○○○ () Politics ○○○○○ ()
Legerdemain ○○○○○ () Stealth ○○○○○ () Science ○○○○○ ()
Subterfuge ○○○○○ () Survival ○○○○○ () Theology ○○○○○ ()
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Disciplines Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
[[Animalism] ●●●●● () Allies ○○○○○ () ---
Auspex ●●●○○ () Contacts ○○○○○ () ---
Celerity ●●●●○ () [[]] ○○○○○ () ---
Dominate ●●●●○ () Domain ○○○○○ () ---
Fortitude ●●●●● () Fame ○○○○○ () ---
Obfuscate ●●●○○ () Generation ○○○○○ () ---
Presence ●●●●○ () Influence ○○○○○ () ---
Potence ●●●●● () Mentor ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Military Force ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Resources ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Retainers ○○○○○ () ---
--- Status ○○○○○ () ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Health Levels Humanity Virtues
Bruised (0) - { } ○○○○○○○○○○ () Conscience ●○○○○
Hurt (-1) ---- { } --- Self-Control ●○○○○
Injured (-1) - { } Willpower Courage ●○○○○
Wounded (-2) - { } ○○○○○○○○○○ () ---
Mauled (-2) -- { } --- ---
Crippled (-5)- { } Bloodpool ---
Incapacitated- { } ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Final Death ○○○○○○○○○○○ ---



A Farkas


Eliel is 6'4" tall, heavy shouldered with several wolf features from his time as a Gangrel. He dresses in browns and greens, usually sturdy materials.


Farkas is straightforward, mostly honest. He can be cruel, but it's usually for a point, not random.


Born Eliel Levchenko in the area known as Bulgaria in 1182, Eliel was raised in a noble family and taught to fight. He was a good knight, a good soldier, and made his family proud. As an adult, he led soldiers in battle. At times he was aware he was fighting more than normal humans, but always seemed to prevail. One day they were fighting off raiding soldiers. As the sun set Eliel and his men chased the raiders into the woods.

Eliel and his soldiers found themselves fighting monsters as the sun set. Monsters with too many heads, too many arms, too many legs. They moved unbelievably fast, were very hard to kill and were brutal. As the last of his men fell, a beautiful blond warrior came into the clearing and helped Eliel fight off the last of them. She introduced herself as Brunehild. She gave him a potion to drink to help heal his wounds. Over the next couple of days she fed him more, and he became faster, stronger, and fell deeply in love with her.

For the next fifty years Eliel was Brunhildes servant and lover. She kept him in thrall, and he was her best soldier. He recruited others to her cause, and she threw them against the Tzimisce over and over. With her training and backing, Eliels men and women were effective fighters, damaging the Tzimisce control of the area. Eliel became known as "The Wolf" because of his howl as he entered battle and his brilliant, ruthless strategy.

While in blood thrall to Brunhilde, she encouraged Eliel to take women to bed, to sow his seed through eastern Europe. He fell in real, emotional love with a warrior woman named Idunn. Brunhilde was put off by their romance. Watching Eliel and Idunn have their romance bothered her more than a little, and she was jealous of them. When their amoury was too much for her, she embraced Eliel and left them in the woods of Bulgaria.

Eliel, now a vampire, ghouled Idunn, and the two fled south away from the Tzimisce and Tremere. In time they crossed the channel, and tried to find a place in northern Briton. The two lovers made a farmstead, and lived a stable frontier life. In time it became aparent that before he became a vampire, Eliel had impregnated Idunn. Now as a ghoul their child grew slowly in her belly. After carrying the child for nearly three years, she gave birth to their son Arkadios. He began to grow and change, and Eliel and Idunn were happy.

The locals began to resent their lords, and there was some rebellion talk. Elial had tried to remain hidden from the Ventrue of Britain, and had been mostly successful. When the locals did an uprising, they burned out several of the local lords, and there was much fighting. Eliel and Idunn tried to stay out of it, but the soldiers came to their farmstead, and Idunn and Arkadios slew them.

In the night, Mithras swept through the region like an avenging angel. He found Eliel, Idunn, and Arkadios. He put Eliel in torpor, and slew Idunn and Arkadios.

When Eliel came out of torpor, his farmstead was gone. It had been taken down and the area of his farm plowed. Eliel has been planning revenge ever since.

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