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; '''[[Bloodlines]]'''
[[File:True Brujah bloodline logo.png]]
[[File:True Brujah bloodline logo.png]]
== The 4th Generation ==
== Introduction ==
* -- [[Belit-Sheri]] -  Progeny of Brujah. Sire of Shalmath. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}<br>
The Clan Brujah that most Kindred know in the
modern nights is not, according to legend, the true
lineage of the Antediluvian known as “Brujah.” The
strange bloodline known as the True Brujah claim that
Brujah’s childe, Troile, committed
diablerie upon him and stole control
of the Clan. Brujah, it is
said, was not the hot-blooded
warrior/scholar that many
vampires associate with the
Rabble, but rather a staid,
passionless introvert. Why,
then, he chose to Embrace a
maniac like Troile in the first
place is a mystery that will likely
never be fully explained.

== The 5th Generation ==
The True Brujah
were never subject to
a massive purge as the
Salubri or the Cappadocians
were, but they
don’t Embrace often
and never recovered
from the theft of their
Clan status. Their
city — the Carthage
of Kindred myth, in
which vampires openly
ruled over mortals —
supposedly died out due
to the treachery of Troile’s
childer (though other stories
suggest demonic influence).
From there, the bloodline
faded from history. A few
notable members of the
bloodline appear throughout
history, but by the
modern nights only Kindred
historians or those
who chance to meet
them can speak of their

[[Agonistes]] - Status: deceased.<br>
Whatever the truth
of their origins, the
True Brujah have remained
a small but
constant presence in Kindred society. Sometimes they
wear their true nature openly, while other times they
claim membership in other Clans (stating their Clan
as “Brujah,” for example, and not bothering to correct
the misapprehension that ensues). Their primary focus
is the pursuit of knowledge, and to that end they have
made some strange alliances. The True Brujah occasionally
ally with the Followers of Set, and sometimes
even provide services as consultants to the Sabbat in
exchange for access to secrets and locations normally
closed to them.

[[Numerius]] - Status: active. Location: Known only to a select few of the Manus Nigrum -- Central Bulgaria.<br>
'''Nickname:''' Sages

[[Shalmath]] - Progeny of Belit-Sheri. Sire of Synesios. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}<br>
'''Sect:''' The Sages have become more or less independent.
They follow the Camarilla’s rules when in their
cities, and avoid the Sabbat lest they become pressed
into service or destroyed. While it isn’t impossible for a
True Brujah to join the Sword of Caine, most of them
can’t summon up the necessary fervor.

[[Theothelm]] - Status: unknown.<br>
'''Appearance:''' In nights past, the True Brujah were
predominantly of Greek or North African descent. As
the centuries wore on, though, the Sages Embraced
progeny from across Europe and, eventually, the New
World. In modern nights, True Brujah tend to dress
professionally, the better to fit in with the academic
settings they prefer.

== The 6th Generation ==
'''Haven:''' Some True Brujah maintain multiple havens
[[Al-Muntaqim, the Avenger]] - Status: active. Location: {[[Cairo]]}.<br>
around the world, which they use as they travel
pursuing whatever kind of knowledge they find most
fascinating. Others stay closer to a given city, generally
with a centuries-old university or other center of
learning nearby. In either case, their havens tend to be
clean, well-maintained, and austere.

[[Al-Muntathir, God's Witness]] - Status: deceased. Location: {[[Cairo]]}<br>
'''Background:''' It’s not entirely accurate to say that
the True Brujah only Embrace academics and scholars,
but it’s fairly rare for them to do otherwise. Sages
sometimes Embrace out of curiosity or even spite, but
for the most part they choose people whose capacity of
learning and accumulated knowledge will benefit their

[[Albertus Magnus]] - Childe of Theothelm. Status: unknown. Location: Unknown.<br>
'''Character Creation:''' Mental Attributes and Knowledges
are usually primary. True Brujah sires instruct
their childer in the basics of Occult and some form of
combat (it’s just not practical to be unable to fight).
Nature and Demeanor are often similar, if not identical,
and never anything forceful or passionate. Common Backgrounds include Resources, Contacts, and

[[Antonio Veradas]] - Antitribu, Bishop of Leon, Nicaragua. Status: active.<br>
'''Clan Disciplines:''' [[Potence]], [[Presence]], [[Temporis]]

[[Jeremy Sanderson]] - Childe of Numerius and sire of Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard. Status: active.<br>
'''Weakness:''' True Brujah lose much of their emotional
capacity when they are Embraced, and their ability for
sympathy continues to deteriorate as they grow older.
All Conscience and Conviction rolls are made at +2
difficulty (maximum 10), and ratings in Conscience,
Conviction, Humanity, and Paths of Enlightenment
cost double the normal experience costs.

[[Nehemiah, Lord of Cyprus]] - Status: active.<br>
'''Organization:''' While their rarity precludes frequent
meetings, the bloodline comes together twice a century
to discuss matters that affect them all. The eldest
members of the bloodline determine the location and
specific time of the meeting. Outside of these larger
meetings, many True Brujah stay in contact via letters,
whether handwritten or online.

[[Rathmonicus]] - Sire unknown. Developped the Path of Scorched Heart in the 14th century. Status: Deceased {''Anarch Revolt''}.<br>
'''Quote:''' ''I spared you last night because we hadn’t finished our conversation. I might spare you tonight, if I think that tomorrow you might still interest me.''
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''4th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Belit-Sheri]] - Progeny of Brujah. Sire of Shalmath. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}

[[Salomão Machado]] <span style="color:maroon;"> -- Progeny of Numerius and sire of Countess Efigénia Medeiros and the Brazilian neonate Cassandra Fonseca-- Elder Elois Unforgiven {[[Rio de Janeiro]]} -- Status: active.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''5th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Assurnapal]] - Status: Unknown
* -- [[Agonistes]] - Status: deceased.
* -- [[Numerius]] - Status: active. Location: Known only to a select few of the Manus Nigrum -- Central Bulgaria.
* -- [[Shalmath]] - Progeny of Belit-Sheri. Sire of Synesios. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}
* -- [[Theothelm]] - Status: unknown.

[[Synesios]] - Progeny of Shalmath. Sire of Krassimir. Senior Archivist of the Scriptorium of Vulci {abandoned Etruscan city 80km north of Rome). Status: Inactive - Torpor.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''6th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Al-Muntaqim]] - The Avenger - Status: active. Location: {[[Cairo]]}.
* -- [[Al-Muntathir]] - God's Witness - Status: deceased. Location: {[[Cairo]]}
* -- [[Albertus Magnus]] - Childe of Theothelm. Status: unknown. Location: Unknown.
* -- [[Antonio Veradas]] - Antitribu, Bishop of Leon, Nicaragua. Status: active.
* -- Jeremy Sanderson - Childe of Numerius and sire of Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard. Status: active. {[[Quebec City]]}
* -- [[Nehemiah, Lord of Cyprus]] - Status: active.
* -- [[Paercebal]] -- Progeny of Assurnapal
* -- [[Rathmonicus]] - Sire unknown. Developped the Path of Scorched Heart in the 14th century. Status: Deceased {''Anarch Revolt''}.
* -- [[Salomão Machado]] -- Progeny of Numerius and sire of Countess Efigénia Medeiros and the Brazilian neonate Cassandra Fonseca-- Elder Elois Unforgiven {[[Rio de Janeiro]]} -- Status: active.
* -- [[Synesios]] - Progeny of Shalmath. Sire of Krassimir. Senior Archivist of the Scriptorium of Vulci {abandoned Etruscan city 80km north of Rome). Status: Inactive - Torpor.

== The 7th Generation ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''7th Generation''' ==
[[Balabhadra]] - First Childe of Numerius. Status: unknown.<br>
* -- [[Balabhadra]] - First Childe of Numerius. Status: unknown.
* -- [[Corrie Tinbergen]] -- Prince Of Luxembourg
* -- [[Countess Efigénia Medeiros]] -- Progeny of Salomão Machado and sire of Fortunato Torres -- status: active. {[[Braga]], Portugal}
* -- [[Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard]] -- Grand-Master Mason and Master Thaumaturgy.  Childe of Jeremy Sanderson. - Status: active.
* -- [[Cassandra Fonseca]] -- ''Neonate Elois Police Detective from Rio de Janeiro and childe of Salomão Machado.'' - Status: active. {[[Boston]]}
* -- [[Delphine]] - Progeny of Paercebal
* -- [[Ibn Khaldun]] - Status: unknown. Last seen in {[[Cairo]]}.
* -- [[Krassimir]] -  Progeny of Synesios. Status: unknown.
* -- [[Nunêz]] - Status: unknown.
* -- [[Jaroslav Pascek]] - Brujah Justiar to the Camarilla - Status: Inactive - Torpor. Location unknown.
* -- [[Oliver Zelenka]] - Childe of Albertus Magnus. Status: Dead. Fell to the Beast, and diablerized by his eldest childe - Countess Klara Wehunt.
* -- [[Countess Klara Wehunt]] - Eldest Childe of Oliver Zelenka & former Seneschal of Dresden. Status: imprisoned, being held in {[[Ancient Enoch]]}.  Officially dead.  Diablerized Oliver Zelenka.  Embraced at 8th Generation.

[[Countess Efigénia Medeiros]] -- Progeny of Salomão Machado and sire of Fortunato Torres -- status: active. {[[Braga]], Portugal}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''8th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Vladan Kladivo]] - Prince of {[[Dresden]]}.  Second Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: active.
* -- [[Dalibor Biskup]] - Seneschal of {[[Dresden]]}.  Third Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: active.
* -- [[Vladislav Havelka]] - Fourth Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: torpor. Location: {[[Dresden]]}.
* -- [[Sara Zuraw]] - Exile from Dresden.  Fifth Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: deceased. Location: unknown.
* -- [[Fortunato Torres]] -- Progeny of Countess Efigénia Medeiros -- status: active. {[[Porto]], Portugal}
* -- [[Dietmar Vogel]] - Eldest surviving childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Location: unknown.
* -- [[Hiltrude Ott]] - Second childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Has returned to {[[Dresden]]}.
* -- [[Luitger Fürst]] - Third childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. {[[Rio de Janeiro]]}
* -- [[Gottlieb Groos]] - Fourth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in {[[New Delhi]]}.
* -- [[Adeline Haase]] - Fifth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Location: unknown.
* -- [[Benedikt Tresler]] - Sixth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in [[Sydney]], Australia.
* -- [[Charlotte Dunkle]] - Seventh childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in {[[Paris]]}.

[[Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard]] -- Grand-Master Mason and Master Thaumaturgy.  Childe of Jeremy Sanderson. - Status: active.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Kája Vavra]] - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.
* -- [[Marek Vavra]] - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.

[[Cassandra Fonseca]] <span style="color:maroon;"> -- ''Neonate Elois Police Detective of Rio de Janeiro and childe of Salomão Machado.'' - Status: active.<br>

[[Ibn Khaldun]] - Status: unknown. Last seen in {[[Cairo]]}.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''10th Generation''' ==

[[Krassimir]] -  Progeny of Synesios. Status: unknown.<br>

[[Nunêz]] - Status: unknown.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''11th Generation''' ==

[[Jaroslav Pascek]] - Brujah Justiar to the Camarilla - Status: Inactive - Torpor.<br>

[[Oliver Zelenka]] - Childe of Albertus Magnus. Status: Dead. Fell to the Beast, and diablerized by his eldest Childe.<br>

[[Countess Klara Wehunt]] - Eldest Childe of Oliver Zelenka & former Seneschal of Dresden. Status: in torpor, being held in Enoch.  Officially dead.  Diablerized Oliver Zelenka.  Embraced at 8th Generation.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''12th Generation''' ==

== The 8th Generation ==

[[Vladan Kladivo]] - Prince of {[[Dresden]]}.  Second Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: active.<br>

[[Dalibor Biskup]] - Seneschal of {[[Dresden]]}.  Third Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: active.<br>
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''13th Generation''' ==

[[Vladislav Havelka]] - Fourth Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: torpor. Location: {[[Dresden]]}.<br>
[[Sara Zuraw]] - Exile from Dresden.  Fifth Childe of Oliver Zelenka. Status: active. Location: unknown.<br>
[[Fortunato Torres]] -- Progeny of Countess Efigénia Medeiros -- status: active. {[[Lisbon]]}
[[Dr. Dietmar Vogel]] - Eldest surviving childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Location: unknown.<br>
[[Hiltrude Ott]] - Second childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Has returned to {[[Dresden]]}.<br>
[[Luitger Fürst]] - Third childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. {[[Rio de Janeiro]]}<br>
[[Gottlieb Groos]] - Fourth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in {[[New Delhi]]}.<br>
[[Adeline Haase]] - Fifth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active. Location: unknown.<br>
[[Benedikt Tresler]] - Sixth childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in [[Sydney]], Australia.<br>
[[Charlotte Dunkle]] - Seventh childe of the Countess Klara Wehunt. Status: active in {[[Paris]]}.<br>
== The 9th Generation ==
[[Kája Vavra]] - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.<br>
[[Marek Vavra]] - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.<br>

== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==

Latest revision as of 01:26, 30 August 2024


True Brujah bloodline logo.png


The Clan Brujah that most Kindred know in the modern nights is not, according to legend, the true lineage of the Antediluvian known as “Brujah.” The strange bloodline known as the True Brujah claim that Brujah’s childe, Troile, committed diablerie upon him and stole control of the Clan. Brujah, it is said, was not the hot-blooded warrior/scholar that many vampires associate with the Rabble, but rather a staid, passionless introvert. Why, then, he chose to Embrace a maniac like Troile in the first place is a mystery that will likely never be fully explained.

The True Brujah were never subject to a massive purge as the Salubri or the Cappadocians were, but they don’t Embrace often and never recovered from the theft of their Clan status. Their city — the Carthage of Kindred myth, in which vampires openly ruled over mortals — supposedly died out due to the treachery of Troile’s childer (though other stories suggest demonic influence). From there, the bloodline faded from history. A few notable members of the bloodline appear throughout history, but by the modern nights only Kindred historians or those who chance to meet them can speak of their existence.

Whatever the truth of their origins, the True Brujah have remained a small but constant presence in Kindred society. Sometimes they wear their true nature openly, while other times they claim membership in other Clans (stating their Clan as “Brujah,” for example, and not bothering to correct the misapprehension that ensues). Their primary focus is the pursuit of knowledge, and to that end they have made some strange alliances. The True Brujah occasionally ally with the Followers of Set, and sometimes even provide services as consultants to the Sabbat in exchange for access to secrets and locations normally closed to them.

Nickname: Sages

Sect: The Sages have become more or less independent. They follow the Camarilla’s rules when in their cities, and avoid the Sabbat lest they become pressed into service or destroyed. While it isn’t impossible for a True Brujah to join the Sword of Caine, most of them can’t summon up the necessary fervor.

Appearance: In nights past, the True Brujah were predominantly of Greek or North African descent. As the centuries wore on, though, the Sages Embraced progeny from across Europe and, eventually, the New World. In modern nights, True Brujah tend to dress professionally, the better to fit in with the academic settings they prefer.

Haven: Some True Brujah maintain multiple havens around the world, which they use as they travel pursuing whatever kind of knowledge they find most fascinating. Others stay closer to a given city, generally with a centuries-old university or other center of learning nearby. In either case, their havens tend to be clean, well-maintained, and austere.

Background: It’s not entirely accurate to say that the True Brujah only Embrace academics and scholars, but it’s fairly rare for them to do otherwise. Sages sometimes Embrace out of curiosity or even spite, but for the most part they choose people whose capacity of learning and accumulated knowledge will benefit their sires.

Character Creation: Mental Attributes and Knowledges are usually primary. True Brujah sires instruct their childer in the basics of Occult and some form of combat (it’s just not practical to be unable to fight). Nature and Demeanor are often similar, if not identical, and never anything forceful or passionate. Common Backgrounds include Resources, Contacts, and Herd.

Clan Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Temporis

Weakness: True Brujah lose much of their emotional capacity when they are Embraced, and their ability for sympathy continues to deteriorate as they grow older. All Conscience and Conviction rolls are made at +2 difficulty (maximum 10), and ratings in Conscience, Conviction, Humanity, and Paths of Enlightenment cost double the normal experience costs.

Organization: While their rarity precludes frequent meetings, the bloodline comes together twice a century to discuss matters that affect them all. The eldest members of the bloodline determine the location and specific time of the meeting. Outside of these larger meetings, many True Brujah stay in contact via letters, whether handwritten or online.

Quote: I spared you last night because we hadn’t finished our conversation. I might spare you tonight, if I think that tomorrow you might still interest me.

4th Generation

  • -- Belit-Sheri - Progeny of Brujah. Sire of Shalmath. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}

5th Generation

  • -- Assurnapal - Status: Unknown
  • -- Agonistes - Status: deceased.
  • -- Numerius - Status: active. Location: Known only to a select few of the Manus Nigrum -- Central Bulgaria.
  • -- Shalmath - Progeny of Belit-Sheri. Sire of Synesios. - Status: unknown. {Rumored to have been destroyed.}
  • -- Theothelm - Status: unknown.

6th Generation

  • -- Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger - Status: active. Location: {Cairo}.
  • -- Al-Muntathir - God's Witness - Status: deceased. Location: {Cairo}
  • -- Albertus Magnus - Childe of Theothelm. Status: unknown. Location: Unknown.
  • -- Antonio Veradas - Antitribu, Bishop of Leon, Nicaragua. Status: active.
  • -- Jeremy Sanderson - Childe of Numerius and sire of Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard. Status: active. {Quebec City}
  • -- Nehemiah, Lord of Cyprus - Status: active.
  • -- Paercebal -- Progeny of Assurnapal
  • -- Rathmonicus - Sire unknown. Developped the Path of Scorched Heart in the 14th century. Status: Deceased {Anarch Revolt}.
  • -- Salomão Machado -- Progeny of Numerius and sire of Countess Efigénia Medeiros and the Brazilian neonate Cassandra Fonseca-- Elder Elois Unforgiven {Rio de Janeiro} -- Status: active.
  • -- Synesios - Progeny of Shalmath. Sire of Krassimir. Senior Archivist of the Scriptorium of Vulci {abandoned Etruscan city 80km north of Rome). Status: Inactive - Torpor.

7th Generation

  • -- Balabhadra - First Childe of Numerius. Status: unknown.
  • -- Corrie Tinbergen -- Prince Of Luxembourg
  • -- Countess Efigénia Medeiros -- Progeny of Salomão Machado and sire of Fortunato Torres -- status: active. {Braga, Portugal}
  • -- Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard -- Grand-Master Mason and Master Thaumaturgy. Childe of Jeremy Sanderson. - Status: active.
  • -- Cassandra Fonseca -- Neonate Elois Police Detective from Rio de Janeiro and childe of Salomão Machado. - Status: active. {Boston}
  • -- Delphine - Progeny of Paercebal
  • -- Ibn Khaldun - Status: unknown. Last seen in {Cairo}.
  • -- Krassimir - Progeny of Synesios. Status: unknown.
  • -- Nunêz - Status: unknown.
  • -- Jaroslav Pascek - Brujah Justiar to the Camarilla - Status: Inactive - Torpor. Location unknown.
  • -- Oliver Zelenka - Childe of Albertus Magnus. Status: Dead. Fell to the Beast, and diablerized by his eldest childe - Countess Klara Wehunt.
  • -- Countess Klara Wehunt - Eldest Childe of Oliver Zelenka & former Seneschal of Dresden. Status: imprisoned, being held in {Ancient Enoch}. Officially dead. Diablerized Oliver Zelenka. Embraced at 8th Generation.

8th Generation

9th Generation

  • -- Kája Vavra - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.
  • -- Marek Vavra - Childe of Vladislav Havelka. Status: active. Location: unknown.

10th Generation

11th Generation

12th Generation

13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation