Yan Sirkov to Prince Oliver Zelenka of Dresden - March, 2016

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Missives: In-Game

(Written in German, this letter appears to be a missive asking for permission to visit the domain of Dresden for business purposes. It goes on at length about details about business opportunities and mutual gain. It employs a few key words that indicate that a member of the Tal'ma'Reh should look for a hidden message. Within it is embedded a cypher code that translates into a much older language.) ... denotes details that my character knows but I have not been able to remember. I'll fill the gaps in later) The letter was sent electronically to a courier in Dresden, where it was printed out and hand delivered to the appropriate location.

Honored Elder and Prince,

Please allow me to introduce myself: I am known as Yan Sirkov, of Sofia. What is not known is that my sire is Numerius, and thus you and I share a rare heritage. It is for the sake of this heritage that I contact you.

Though I had hoped to meet you under better circumstances, it grieves me that time and circumstance force the issue. Your grandchilder, the two progeny of Vladislav Havelka, the siblings Kaja and Marek Varava, have stumbled into matters they cannot comprehend. If you have any feeling or use for them, I urge you to treat this matter seriously.

Four nights ago, with the aid of a Nosferatu companion (... childe of Primogen ... of Prague) and at least two hired Assamites, the Albanian warrior Fatamere and a sorcerer called Suleman, they attempted to murder the Dominion Mariel, once known as Marge Kahn and the partner of Vladislav in Berlin. In the process, they burned down the haven of a member of my Kamut - the Prince of Sofia named Brian Oriley - and directly attempted to kill us both. I entorpored Marek in the early stages of the incident before I understood what was happening: Perhaps this is what drove Kaja to extreme and foolish measures. In the process of gaining the aid of the Assamites, she has come extremely close to revealing secrets that should not be shared. I am attempting to ascertain the level of the damage.

Mariel was driven into hiding by the explosion that damaged a good part of central Sofia, but I estimate that she will resurface in no more than another night. She is not one to let such things go, and the fact that they are uneducated and uninitiated means that they have no protection from her wrath. They both showed impressive competence beyond mere learned skills, and if salvageable, could prove assets to our bloodline. Marek is in Kaja's care, and they both have withdrawn from Sofia.

Kaja and Marek believe that Mariel is responsible for a crime that she could not possibly have committed: The murder and diablerie of their sire. I have come into possession of his body, and can assure you that he is neither dead nor diablerized, but merely in torpor. I contacted an associate (code for hand member) who put me in contact with his dreams. Once he became aware of what had happened, he told me that for important reasons, he had ASKED! his partner Marge Kahn to beat him into torpor, and convince his childer that he is dead. She must have instilled madness in them both that they would deny the evidence of their own eyes, and be willing to abandon his helpless body to those they consider enemies. His situation must have been desperate, for this appears to be the only provision he made for his childer.

I ask that you allow me to visit your Domain in Dresden soon to return your childe to you, if that is what you wish, and to further discuss the situation. In the meantime, be assured that your childe is as safe as I can make him, and that I am endeavoring to pierce the heart of this mystery.

With fidelity, Yan Sirkov.