Witness of Darkness

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Protean 1

The vampire with this ability can see normally in ordinary darkness - even a cloudy, moonless night is as bright as overcast day to the character. However, the Discipline does cause the character's eyes to glow a visible red, which unnerves most mortals who see it.

System: Activating the Discipline is a free action, but it takes a full turn to take effect. While Witness of Darkness is in effect, the character suffers no dice pool penalties based on ordinary darkness. It is impossible to disguise one's inhuman nature while using this ability. However, while the Discipline is active, the player adds one die to Intimidation dice pools against mortals who are not acquainted with the supernatural.

In the modern era, dark wrap-around sunglasses can conceal the red glow from most observers, but it is usually possible to detect for someone who knows what they are looking for. In the future, it will be possible for mortals make their own eyes glow: In this small way, technology will enhance the masquerade.