Withering Agony

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Koldunism Level 2

By pulling the spirit from a sick tree and coaxing it into the body of a mortal or Kindred, the koldun infects his victim with a physically debilitating malady. When infected, the victim will decrease in weight, caused by the exfoliation of a thick sap-like substance from his pores. Hair will fall out, and skin will degenerate to an ash gray. Bones are more brittle, and breath comes in laborious gasps.

System: The koldun's player spends a point of blood and makes the appropriate roll while the character marks his victim with a bloody glyph. A spirit inhabiting a sick tree is then enticed to flee the dying wood and make its new home inside the marked victim. Over the course of a night, the adverse effects of this ailment will take effect, causing the victim to suffer a -2 to all Physical and Social dice pools. The afflicted also suffers one health level of unsoakable bashing damage due to the atrophy the body endures. This damage may be offset through rest or blood expenditure normally thereafter.

Kindred are similarly affected, suffering both the penalties to their Physical and Social dice pools and the associated damage. They also lose one additional blood point on top of the normal one point spend at the beginning of their night.

Withering Agony lasts for one week.

Note: Although mortals and Kindred aren't normally affected by nature spirits, the lelek infecting victims are dying spirits and do not "join" with a host so much as they "invade" their health, similar to a virus.