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Level 1.

Description: The term "Witchlight" is a catchall for the many and varied forms of mystical illumination envisioned by members of Clan Tremere since the time it was a House of mortal wizards. In the past it was based upon the five classic elements of Hermetic thought: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. The elemental component of earth is almost always crystalline in nature and rarely needs to be replaced, corollaries of fiction include the "graveling" from "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant". The hermetic element of air often manifests as St.Elmo's Fire, an example of elemental water would be "Phial of Galadriel" from the "Lord of the Rings" and myth or fiction are replete with stories of cold fire. While each of the first four hermetic elements manifests illumination differently, they all have two things in common: they require a simple series of invocations that manifest a cool steady illumination that lasts until the caster ceases to concentrate. The hermetic element of spirit differs in the illumination it provides because it is drawn from a non-visible mystical spectrum only perceivable to the thaumaturge and spiritual entities beyond the Gauntlet. There are also non-traditional variants like the Will O'the Wisp ritual of Sabbat and likely Tremere Antitribu origin which uses willow wood as its elemental component, but in the modern nights many new and different variants have appeared.

System: The thaumaturge rolls Intelligence + Occult at a difficulty of four (4), unless he or she is a non-clan caster, in which case the difficulty increases to five (5). This is a pass fail ritual, successes are not measured per se, though in theory the more successes the control the caster would have over the illumination.

Known Variants: Will O'the Wisp, Light of Yesterday's Sun