Winlath Maclorn

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St. Louis

Sobriquet: Mac

Appearance: Mac is tall (6'3") with long dark hair he leaves loose unless in "polite" company, when he ties it back. Mac is ruggedly handsome, with a face that was bronzed by the sun, and still seems lightly tanned when he has just fed. Mac normally wears jeans and a long sleeved shirt and cowboy hat.

History: Mac's father was a french trapper known as Antoine Levesque. He did well for himself and took good care of Macs mother, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. Mac followed in his fathers footsteps, eventually marrying a beautiful woman named Hannah while in St. Louis selling furs in 1807. Mac spent much time trapping and hunting the western lands, and he made a good living for himself, his wife, and his children. What with being gone so much trapping that by 1812, he began to crave the helping hands of a woman and met a native Potawtomi who he took as his squaw. Her name was Ayeleine. Winlath spent the next two years spending most of his time on the plains trapping with his squaw Ayeleine, and a couple of months with his wife Hannah, having the best of both worlds.

One evening as he made his way back to his cabin on the upper Arkansas river he saw smoke rising from his cabin. Hurrying closer he realized that a roving band of Indians had attacked it, raping and killing his beautiful Ayeleine and their newborn child. Enraged, Winlath began to track the band of warriors as they worked their way east and north. The raiders weren't too difficult to follow, they left anyone they found in their path dead.

One night as he watched the roving band he was approached by a blond man in ragged leathers. Winlath explained his story, begging the man to help him kill the band of marauders. The man listened impassively, and asked if Winlath was willing to give his life in order to have the revenge he sought. Winlath said he was, so the blond man explained he was Eadric Asgerr, a vampire of the Gangrel clan. Eadric offered Winlath eternal unlife, explaining what it meant to be a vampire. The grieving man accepted with excitement for the power to get his revenge. Embracing the trapper, Eadric watched as the fledgling stalked and killed each of the warriors in turn, drinking them dry. After several years of living as a vampire on the plains Winlath returned to St. Louis to check on his white family. He learned that Hannah had turned to painting and even seemed to be somewhat successful at it. Winlath periodically bought he paintings without revealing his presence so that he could continue to support her and his children.

In 1844 Winlath was captured by a roving group of three Sabbat who intended to torture him for information, fun and his generation. They spent the better part of three days skinning him and beating him, then feeding him from the blood of children. The Sabbats actions had attracted the attention of the Jesuits and Jean Maclorn, who had become a priest in the city. He and a group of fathers attacked the Sabbat nest and killed them all. Jean was the only human to survive the attempt, and recognized his father in the chains from a painting Hannah had done. Freeing his father, Father Maclorn begged Winlath to repent to God for his sins, and let him leave. Winlath left the city until he knew that Jean had died in 1871.

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