Whistling up the Beast

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Abombwe 3

The Laibon learns the "songs" that cajole and frighten the Beast Within.

System: The Laibon whistles for a full turn, and a Manipulation + Music roll (difficulty 7) is made. if the roll succeeds, the target must make a Courage roll (difficulty 7; victim must equal or beat the Laibon's successes). Even if the victim's roll succeeds, she is uneasy (one-die penalty to all Dice Pools against the Laibon; difficulty of frenzy and Rotschreck rolls is reduced by one). If the victim's roll fails, she must retreat from the Laibon for the duration of the scene - not necessarily mindless flight, but the wary retreat of an animal that realizes it has met a superior foe. Alternatively, the Laibon may "whistle up" her own Beast; a successful roll immediately sends the Laibon into frenzy (thus negating wound penalties).