When Shadows Come Out to Play

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Storytellers who choose not to implement aspects of Wraith in their chronicles should use the following guidelines for ghosts who are Shadow-dominated. When the Shadow takes control, the ghost’s Passion (Pathos) Pool (not to be confused with a ghost’s Passions, see the Requiem Path) should return to its maximum level: the Shadow has it’s own reserves of emotional energy to draw from, but this energy (Angst) is negatively "charged" and is replenished when the ghost feasts on destructive emotions, such as Anger, Rage, Envy, Hatred, and the like. Any Passion traits that the ghost has (See the Requiem Path for details on Passion traits) should change to reflect the new, darker personality that has supplanted the ghost’s Psyche: generally, the focus of such passions may remain constant, but the emotions tied to them alter, becoming violent or resentful.

When Shadow-dominated, a ghost loses anything resembling a conscience, and she may even become self-destructive, although usually in a passive sense (such as attacking relentlessly without regard for her own safety). Her Nature and Demeanor should change to reflect this, with Bravo, Conniver, Curmudgeon, Cynic, Eye of the Storm, Masochist, Monster, Judge, Sadist and Sociopath being likely candidates. This does not usually turn a ghost into a slavering monster, however: she still retains her intellect, she simply has no compunctions about saying (or doing) what she wants, when she wants, and to whomever she wants. A minor slight might be met with a vicious verbal or even physical response. Sometimes, Shadow-dominated wraiths manifest strange powers that the ghost is not usually capable of calling upon.

Generally, a ghost will remain Shadow-dominated for the rest of the scene.