Weapon Nomenclature

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Jason Maier

OOCly, this is more so I can remember what's what.

It occurs to me that not everyone follows my logic chain when it comes to guns. So I'm putting together a quick crossreference guide, as follows:

AttentionWhore: Pistols. Thusly named because everyone on the street flashes them around when they want to be noticed.

BanHammer: Assault rifles. Used by professionals, they're there to eject some sorry sonofabitch from the forum that is life. Or health, depending on your morality.

Honey Badger: Shotguns. Cause Honey Badger don't give a fuck.

Thor: Sniper rifles. Self-explanatory.

Vera: Prototype/pre-production models. It's what I'm working on at the moment, and is therefore my very favorite gun.