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Dice Pool: Wits + Brawl

Cost: 1 Divinity per action

Description: By directing freak gusts of wind and the airborne detritus that collects in them, the Scion can wrestle with opponents without even touching them. Doing so requires one Legend point per action, and the Scion’s player rolls (Wits + Brawl) to direct the winds. This roll functions just as the normal roll for a clinch attack, contested against the defender’s efforts as normal. If his attack succeeds, the Scion may do with his victim as any successful grappler can do with a subdued victim, from pinning him to crushing him to throwing him. The attacker cannot apply any bonus dice or Knacks from his Epic Strength in these grappling maneuvers.

If the victim turns the tables on his attacker (by achieving more successes on the contested roll), he frees himself but does not gain control of the grapple. Also, if the attacker does nothing else in his action, he may simultaneously grapple a number of opponents in this way equal to his Legend. His player makes only one attack roll, against which all opponents must contend.