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Dice Pool: Varies

Cost: 1 Divinity per creation

Description: The Avatar summons cold air around his hands and
conjures objects made of ice. Certain standardized
applications call for various dice rolls; simply conjuring
sheets or blocks of ice do not. See pages. 202–203 of
Scion: Hero for the weapon templates.

Armor of Frost (Wits + Athletics): Frost spreads across
the Avatar’s body and crystallizes into plates of armor
equal to riot gear (see Scion: Hero, p. 204). The armor
holds together by magic, but Athletics is needed to
fashion the armor so its joints match those of its wearer.
Armor of Frost does not stack with other armor.

Ice Sculpture (Wits + Craft): A catchall for shaping
moderately complex structures out of ice—anything
from a functional ladder to a fanciful statue.

Instant Igloo (Wits + Survival): The Avatar shapes ice
into a small shelter. Doing so costs one Legend point
per person who can fit inside the igloo.

Ice Bow (Wits + Marksmanship): The Avatar
creates a massive bow of knobby ice with 20 glittering
icicles as arrows. The bow is equal to a daikyu.

Winter’s Spear (Wits + Melee): A tremendous jagged and
pointed icicle forms in the Avatar’s hands, which he can
wield as a club, spear, sword or javelin (treat as a macana,
kontos, spatha, pilum or yaomitl, respectively). All forms
share the maquahuitl’s property of inflicting lethal or
bashing damage without using the “flat of the blade” rule.

Note that while Winter-Craft weapons are made of
ice, they deal damage through ordinary crushing, cutting or
piercing, and Frost Immunity does not protect against this
damage. The Scion can, however, channel Frost Burn through
the melee weapons to add dice of damage
(bashing or lethal, as appropriate to the weapon) — and
Frost Immunity does block this bonus damage.

Since the ice coalesces out of water and Divinity, Avatars
can conjure it anywhere — even on the lip of an erupting
volcano — and it does not melt unless the Avatar decides to
banish it whence it came (as a reflexive action). Icy articles
last a scene in any case. When the scene ends or the Avatar
dismisses his creation, it dissipates in a sprinkle of snow.

A Avatar can extend Winter-Craft's duration by
spending an additional point of Divinity for each additional
scene, but his player does not need to re-roll. An Avatar could
even conjure weapons of ice and hand them out to his allies in
a pinch, though his allies would need to have Frost Immunity
or thick gloves to use them without suffering frostbite. Such
items dissipate instantly if stolen or broken by enemies.