Visions from the Asura

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Chimerstry 8

This terrible power, which bears some intriguing similarities to various applications of Dementation, is named after the demonic Asura who are believed to grant the hellish visions it induces. The visions work subtly within the target's mind' and in the end, the poor victim must question everything that happens around her, not knowing whether it is reality or illusion.

When afflicted with the Visions, the victim experiences random illusions (affecting all senses) that could be everyday events and things. For example, if the victim is entering a castle, she may be approached by a servant. While she is walking by a building, a door opens and a woman calls her name. The victim suddenly smells something burning. She feels a tug at her clothes. She sees a door in a wall where there is no door, or a door is covered to look like a wall. These effects always disappear after the victim reacts to them, showing her that it was only an illusion. From time to time (no more than twice per night), horrid events take place, like the victim turning a corner and seeing a grisly murder or finding herself attacked by a hated foe or a hideous monster. In the end, the victim begins to question any event, wondering if it is illusion or reality. Also, others wonder about her sanity as she interacts with things only she can see, and ignores quite tangible events.

System: In order to invoke the Visions, the character observes the target for at least five minutes, and the player spends three points of Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge. The difficulty is the target's Willpower. If the target has any derangement, this difficulty rises by +1. If her road rating is 3 or less, or if she is a road initiate, the difficulty is decreased by -1. The effect lasts for 1 night, plus 1 additional night per success. At the end of each night of Visions, the victim loses a point of temporary Willpower. If the victim has no Willpower left, she instead develops a derangement.

The only real defense against this power is Auspex 9. The victim may suspect that certain events are illusions and roll as described for the standard rules for Chimerstry, but the victim should roll for everything she sees, feels and hears, as she can never be certain what is illusion and what is not.