Ventrue of London - Pax Britannica
Born in the remote mists of history, Mithras has been the eternal ruler of England. No matter where you go in England, the hand of Mithras weighs on everything.
By the 1900's he has stepped back, and is more like a looming shadow over all the Ventrue do in England, and especially London. His cult is very active, and they are a shaping factor in Ventrue politics in London.
Lady Anne has stepped up to fill the administrative hole left by Mithras and his haveing driven out Valerius. Lady Anne is determined to not make the mistakes of her predisessor, and follows the past edicts of Mithras to the best of her ability, trying to make the Tremere and other lower clans unwelcome in London where politic and able to do so.
- Mithras - God-Prince of London
Coterie of Mithras Children
- Lady Anne Bowesley - Seneschal of London
- Victoria Lancaster - Wary Servant of Mithras
Lady Anne's Childer
- -- Odo D'Ochai -- Lord of the Media
- -- Michel du Baine (7) [1742]
- -- Thomas Carlyle (7) [~1699] {1860}
- -- Dorian Adams (8) [1701 AD]
- -- Lord Jacque Pareau (7) [1753]
- -- Quincy Cullen (7) [1764] {1832}
- -- Sir William Pennington (7) [1792]
- -- Elizabeth Winton (7) [1904]
The Deposed
- Valerius- Deposed Would-be Prince
Masters & Forsyth
- Cyril Masters - An ancilla with a tarnished reputation. (Banished to Glasgow by Victoria).
- Peter Forsyth - Fledgling childe of Cyril Masters.
Camarilla Archon and Watchdog for the Ventrue
- Rory McAndrew -- Agent Plenipotentiary of the Camarilla
Primogen of Blue-Bloods
- D'Arielle Cotentin - Guardian of Avalon
The Mancunians
- Janet Latimer - Childe of Baron Shawlands of Manchester, and long-time "Ambassador to London"
- Jeyen Smythe - Childe of Janet Latimer (embraced during her exile in Manchester).
The Knights of St.James
- Geoffrey St. James - "The Cavalier." An elder who has been absent from London society for more than a century.
- Niles St. James - Mortal descendent and childe of Geoffrey. Known as "The Blue-blood."
Ventrue of Other Lines
- Harold Michael Danvers - Pharmaceutical kingpin.
- Eldred Morce -- Chile of Kyle Strathcona, also known as the Canadian Hostage. (1863)
- Frank Allen Simon -- "Who is this Keith?"