Veil the Legions

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Obfuscate 7

Similar to Cloak the Gathering, this power was developed by Nosferatu strategists to conceal large forces. A Cainite proficient with this power may maintain it from a distance so that her actions do not compromise the Veil's integrity. Any protected individuals who compromise the Veil are exposed to view.

System: The vampire may conceal 10 individuals for each dot of Stealth she possesses. No roll is necessary to create the Veil, but anyone under its protection may disrupt it. Sounds of movement and whispers do not undo it, but shouting and combat within require the vampire's player to make a Wits + Stealth roll to maintain the Veil's integrity.

Should she so choose, the Cainite may apply the power in person and then leave the area with a successful Wits + Stealth roll (difficulty 7). The maximum distance the character may move from the Veil depends on the number of successes, as noted below.

Successes range
1 success 10 yards
2 30 yards
3 100 yards
4 500 yards
5 20000 yards