Vanish from the Mind's Eye

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Obfuscate 4

A character with this ability can disappear from plain sight, even while he is in clear view of dozens of witnesses. Such a disappearance - if done skillfully - causes chaos, confusion and general mayhem in its wake, a state that is entirely conducive to the character's making a swift getaway.

Once he is out of sight, the character can use Unseen Presence (or other Obfuscate powers) to remain hidden or move around while concealed. He may even choose to turn around and launch a semi-surprise attack on enemies who may have been observing or surrounding him.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Stealth, and the difficulty number is equal to the highest Wits + Alertness to be found in the surrounding crowd. With three or fewer successes, the character does not disappear so much as become a ghostly and indistinct image; those who are particularly perceptive are still able to trace her activity. With four or more successes, the character vanishes completely, and any target with a lower Willpower than the player's number of successes forgets that the character was ever present. Vanish from the Mind's Eye does not have a fixed duration. It lasts only until the vampire can get out of sight (usually one or two turns).

Those who wish to track a ghostly semi-image of a character should roll Perception + Alertness *(difficulty of the obfuscated character's Dexterity + Obfuscate). If the pursuer succeeds, he can interact with the obfuscated vampire normally. If he fails, he suffers a +2 difficulty to any further interaction with her, whether socially or in combat.

The player of any character, friend or foe, who witnesses the vanishing should roll Wits + Courage (difficulty 5, or 9 if the witness is a mortal). Failure on this roll means that the witness must spend two full turns in a daze, attempting to comprehend the violation of God's law and logic that has just taken place.