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Dice Pool: None
Cost: 1 Divinity + 1 Willpower
Description: The Avatar’s running speed increases dramatically when the character does nothing but run. The player spends a point of Divinity and Willpower, and the character starts running. For as long as she keeps going, her running speed increases by a factor of five after any bonuses or additions from FINESSE or the like. The character can run across calm water like a skipping stone or traverse loose snow or deep mud without sinking into it. When she gets to where she’s going, the character can simply stop on a dime, defying inertia.

Running through unfamiliar territory at such an insane speed can be... tricky to say the least. Navigating between such obstacles as trees or buildings or crowds of people requires a successful (Wits + Athletics) roll with a difficulty equal to the character’s (Momentum + 3). Failure on the roll doesn’t send the character crashing into anything, it just means she’s stymied by obstacles and has to stop running. (It’s up to the Storyteller where this occurs.) If this roll should botch, however, the character can’t quite stop in time. She crashes into some obstacle hard enough to inflict one automatic level of bashing damage per dot of Divinity + Momentum she has. (The same goes for anyone following the Avatar via CONFEDERATES.)

If the player wants, the character can use this Power to zip around in one location at high speed. That’s fine, but the character can do nothing else but dash while this Power is active. If she wants to take any other action, she has to stop running first (note that this power aids in dodging attacks rather than making it more difficult).