Unleash Hell's Fury

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Daimonion 8

This most dreaded of powers curses the Baali's victim with the full thrust of Hell's flames. This affliction comes into effect when the sun reaches zenith directly above the subject, burning her as if she were fully exposed to the searing affects of sunlight. flooring, heavy stone mausoleums, coffin lids and even yards of solid earth offer no defense against the curse. Only a vampire's preternatural resistance can hope to resist the all-consuming flames. This is a favored execution tactic of dangerous Cainite lords, but has also been used by the Baali for purely malicious entertainment.

System: To use this power, the Baali must touch or establish eye contact with the subject. After the player spends Blood Points equal to the number of turns the flames will be in effect, an Intelligence + Occult roll is made (difficulty equal to the target's Willpower). The curse normally triggers on the next day; every success rolled allows the Baali an extra day before it takes effect (careful Baali often choose to delay the effects to deflect any suspicion from themselves). The victim may only soak if she has Fortitude or other powers that specifically defend against sunlight. rolling about on the ground or plunging in water douses some of the flames, but the target still takes "new" damage each turn until the curse runs its course. If the player botches, the Baali is immediately engulfed by her own backlash for the designated number of turns. This backlash causes aggravated damage, and is treated as sunlight instead of flame.