Unburdening of the Bestial Soul

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Obeah 5

This power allows a character to pull someone's soul from its body and store the soul within himself while working powerful healing magic upon it. Meanwhile, the target's body becomes a mindless zombie. The character must use her third eye to look into the eyes of her target, and then make an extended Willpower roll against the target's Willpower to take the soul. The character must accumulate three successes; if interrupted, the process must start all over again. No roll is necessary when a willing target is involved. However, Tremere propaganda about the use of this power means that there are few willing targets. The Tremere point to this power as an example of the "soul-stealing" evil of the Salubri.

The soul becomes a part of the stealer's being, and can be released back into its host body whenever the character desires. Until this happens, the body remains a mindless slave, following whatever simple orders it is given. The body can still dies, however, and must be told to eat, move out of harm's way or anything else that requires voluntary action. If the target's soul is not returned to its body in a reasonable amount of time, the character will automatically lose a point of Humanity for such a heinous act. Use of this power in such a way has been known to send at least one Salubri spiraling away from the path of Golconda.

System: Once the soul has joined with the character's own, the character may begin to restore health to a soul that may have been overcome with the Beast. On a point-for-point basis, the character may spend Willpower to restore Humanity to the target. The maximum number of Humanity points that may be granted equals the character's Empathy rating. A character may unburden the ills of a given soul only once, even if the character's Empathy rating later increases or if the character did not restore Humanity equal to his current Empathy. Once flaws have been overlooked, they cannot later be cleared.