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The Holy Roman Empire during the High Middle Ages‎ -DAV- Crusade of Ashes and Blood











Roman Occupation

The Middle Ages


Current Events



  • Likely Population, 1100 A.D.: 7,000 +

Citizens of Trier


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  • Peter of Amiens -- Leader of the People's Crusade
  • Walter Sans Avoir -- He was the lord of Boissy-sans-Avoir in the Île-de-France and lieutenant to Peter the Hermit.




  • Twelfth Night (January) -- Religious festival and feasts celebrating the visit of the Wise Men, or Magi, following the birth of Jesus.
  • St Valentine's Day (February) -- The Medieval festival celebrating love - singing, dancing and pairing games.
  • Carnival (Late February - Early March) --
  • Easter (March) -- Easter celebrated by the Mystery plays depicting the crucifixion.
Lent (40 days)
Ash Wednesday (start of Lent)
Holy Week (last week of Lent before Easter)
Good Friday (end of Lent)
Easter Sunday
  • All Fool's Day (April) -- The Jesters, or Lords of Misrule, took charge for the day and caused mayhem with jokes and jests!
  • May Day (May) -- May Day was a spring festival celebrating May Day when a Queen of the May was chosen and villagers danced around the maypole.
  • Midsummer Eve (June) -- Midsummer Eve, the Mummers entertained at the 'Festival of Fire' reliving legends such as St George and the Dragon. Bones were often burned leading to the term 'bonfire'. The summer Solstice was June 23rd.
  • St. Swithin's Day (July) -- St. Swithin's Day falls on 15th July. Legend says that during the bones of St Swithin were moved and after the ceremony it began to rain and continued to do so for forty days.
  • Lammas Day (August) -- Lammas Day was celebrated on August 2nd. The ' loaf-mass ' day, the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year. Houses were sometimes decorated with garlands and there were candle lit processions.
  • Michaelmas (September) -- The 29th September was when Michaelmas celebrated the life of St Michael and the traditional food on Michaelmas was goose or chicken.
  • St Crispin's Day (October) -- October 25th celebrating St Crispin's Day. Revels and bonfires and people acted as 'King Crispin' .
  • All Souls Day (November) -- The Day of the Dead - All Souls Day or All Hallow's Day ( Halloween ) when revels were held and bonfires were lit.
  • Christmas (December) -- December 25 is celebrated as the birthday of Christ.


Palais de la Cité

The Walls of Trier

Gallû -- Medieval Trier



Law & Lawlessness



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Catacombs of

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  • Igel Column


Private Residences

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  • Platinum Kestrel
  • Parish Kestrel
  • The University
  • Brewhouse And Den
  • Terrier And Reins


Roman Catholic Trier




Whore Houses

Supernaturals of Trier

Stamm der Roten Klippen

Läuft durch Schatten
Wacht den Weg
Mütter Krieger
Tanzt das silberne Wasser
Verbrennt vor Wut

Leges de Caine

"The Traditions are written for memory in English and for mood purpose in French."

La Mascarade / The Masquerade

    Vous ne révélerez pas votre vraie nature à ceux qui ne sont pas de notre Sang. Le faire revient à renoncer à 
    votre Sang.
    Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

Le Domaine / The Domain

    Votre Domaine est le vôtre uniquement. Tous vous y doivent le respect. Personne ne peut défier votre parole dans votre Domaine.
    Thy domain is thy own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.

Note that this Tradition is still respected in France, but the Domains are usually reserved to high-status Kindred, like the Primogen and the Ducs. Of course, one can invoke this Tradition when defending her Haven...

La Progéniture / The Progeny

    Vous n'Infanterez qu'avec la permission de votre Ancien. Si vous Infantez sans l'autorisation de votre Ancien, 
    vous et votre Infant serez détruits.
    Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If you createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou 
    and thy Progeny shall be slain.

L'Instruction / The Accounting

    Ceux et Celles que vous créez sont vos Infants. Jusqu'à ce que vos Infants soient libérés, vous les commanderez en toutes choses. 
    Leurs péchés seront aussi les vôtres, et vous en subirez les conséquences.
    Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins 
    are thine to endure.

Hospitalité / Hospitality

        Honorez le Domaine de l'autre. Quand vous entrerez dans une cité étrangère, vous vous présenterez à celui qui y règne.
        Sans son acceptation, vous n'êtes rien.
        Honor one another's domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.
        Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

Destruction / Destruction

       Il vous est interdit de détruire l'un de vos Frères ou l'une de vos Soeurs de Sang. 
       Le Droit de Destruction n'appartient qu'à votre Ancien. Seul l'Ancien parmi les Anciens peut appeler une Chasse de Sang.
       Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. 
       Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.

Obsequitur Plebeius Sanguine (Low Clans)

Gangrel: In Animalibus Autem Ad Muros

Followers of Set: Voluptatis Cultu

Malkavians: Quod Insaniant et Fidelis

Nosferatu: Fili Leposi

Cnaues Falco -- Nosferatu Prince

Ravnos: Óriens ex Liberi

Le Plus Bas de la Basse, Le Batards

Justinian Kunibert -- Caitif

Crucesignatis (Crusaders)

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Incognitos (Strangers and Aliens)

Memoria pro Mortuis (Remembrances for the Dead)

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