Transitus Velocitor

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This path allows the Tremere to move himself, his mount or a large group at a much greater speed than he could otherwise attain. It similarly conveys upon its beneficiaries the necessary endurance to maintain that speed over long distances. This ability is useful only over great distances. Transitus Velociter does not provide its targets with the sort of supernatural swiftness conveyed by the Discipline of Celerity. Instead, it imbues them with the single-mindedness and stamina necessary to travel overland for hours at a time at speeds just high enough to be impossible without such aid.
System: The player spends blood and rolls normally as the character selects a group of targets. Each success enables that group to maintain a speed of 30 miles per hour (over a road) for a period of one hour. This ability is useful only for long-distance journeying. A character in such a group who is attacked does not increase his combat movement speed.
Transitus Velociter works on mortals and Cainites as well as horses and other draft animals, but it is certainly more efficient to use the path's powers on beasts of burden, as they can carry men and equipment more easily than men can.
The character's rating with this path determines the number of targets he can endow with preternatural speed.
1) One being (a mount or walking human).
2) Up to six mounts or one laden wagon.
3) Up to 12 mounts or four supply wagons.
4) Up to 24 mounts or eight supply wagons or one siege engine.
5) Up to 48 mounts or 16 supply wagons or four siege engines.

Suggested Errata: 30 mph is no benefit in the modern world. However, a doubling of the convoy's normal speed would be in order.