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Torpor -- The State of Vampiric Regeneration

Once in torpor, the character remains insensate for a period determined by her Road rating, during which she is not required to spend blood points. Characters with lower road ratings sleep deeper and longer that those with higher ratings. Those who enter torpor voluntarily (doing so is automatic and requires no die roll) may attempt to awaken after only half the indicated time.

Once this period has passed, the vampire may attempt to awaken (but is not required to do so). For her character to rise, the player must spend a blood-point and make the appropriate roll (see Awakening). If the roll fails, the character may not rise that night but may make another roll the following night (expending yet another point of blood). A vampire who enters torpor voluntarily retains her pre-torpor health levels. A character who entered torpor as a result of injury is considered Crippled when he rises (and he or she must acquire enough blood and spend at least one full night regenerating).

A vampire who enters torpor because of blood loss may not attempt to rise until she is fed at least on blood point (four in the case of a vampire who enters torpor as a result of deterioration). Unless fed, she remains in this state indefinitely, but may attempt to rise as soon as she consumes new vitae, irrespective of her Road rating. Such "early revivification" only works for vampires who enter torpor as a result of blood loss. Those who enter voluntarily or as result of injury must sleep for the period indicated on the accompanying chart.

A vampire who awakens from torpor with less than three blood-points in her blood pool must check for frenzy. One who awakens from torpor after deterioration automatically enters frenzy.