Tobias Czeronpsky

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St. Louis -- Nosferatu

Sobriquet: Toby

Appearance: Tobias' body is warped with his change, with large boils on his skin.

Behavior: Tobias is quiet, but friendly to those who are kind. He is known among the street people for bringing food.

History: Tobias was born in Bulgaria. His parents came to the US when he was 12, and after not finding their dreams in New York, or to St. Louis. When Tobias was 16 he was indentured to a iron worker, spending almost 3 years learning iron work. When out with his teacher working on rail road carts, Tobias was taken by Tormod. Tormod spent two days talking to the man before changing him, not really explaining why he had chosen this insular,non educated iron worker. Tobias found the change repulsive but freeing, being able to do the things he wanted rather than having to work for his teacher.

Recent Events: Tobias spends a lot of time spying on the Ventrue for Tormod.

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