Tishiru Masumi

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Paris -P- The History of the Ventrue in Paris -P- Ventrue



Appearance: Tishiru is a dark haired, dark eyes young man with a somewhat androgyn look. He is just under the medium height, but still is impressive by his apparent coolness (some would say fearlessness), and his sometimes strange behaviour.

He is known to wear anything from a well tailored Armani (he refuses to wear anything from Arnaud!) to a old jeans or black leather, but always with great style. And his charming looks as well as his charisma, makes him a dangerous rival in sentimental affairs.

Behavior: Tishiru is full of idealism: The Parisian Anarchs are misguided and he, Tishiru, has the opportunity to lead them to Freedom. Still, Tishiru's intellect is a interesting mix of Anarch, Camarilla and Sabbat principles: While he has still difficulties to adapt to the deadly intrigues and Esprit of the Parisian Kindred, he knows how to behave in any Soirée. But he has, like St Just, some kind of flame that makes him a natural leader among the Anarchs, his idealism being contagious enough to convince half of them to join the U.S. Anarch ways instead of loosing their time with endless discussions. But he has a dark side: Tishiru has the look of someone who has nothing more to fear. Nor Death, nor Pain, and this apparent fearlesness is enough to inspire respect to most Neonates meeting him. Combined with his Derangement (He is Manic Depressive), this makes him a very unsettling companion!

History: Tishiru was born in Williamstown, Massachusettes, the son of a wealthy Jewish entrepreneur and his lovely Japanese bride. Being as he was born to a very wealthy and influential family, his life was relatively trouble free. He attended all the right parties, knew all the right people, and dated only the loveliest debuttants. Knowing his fathers obession with everything be in its proper place and everyone behaving in the proper fashion, he worked very hard at keeping his homosexuality a secret.

His parents, always proud of their darling son, rewarded his good behavior with the best of everything, trips to Europe with his wealthy friends, season tickets to the major sporting events, a private booth at Tanglewood.

Demonstrating a remarkable degree of artistic ability at a very early age, his parents arranged for him to have only the very best of private tutors. Tishiru found himself easily lost in the act of creation and devoted as much time as possible to improving his skills in various areas. After a while, he settled on Sculpting, quickily attracting the attention of various collectors in the area. To the great joy and of his parents, he had his first private gallery showing at the tender age of fifteen. His fame quickily spread and the commisions started rolling in.

Due to the influence of his family and their friends, Tishiru's works sold for phenominal prices, attracting the attention of more distant and 'influential' collectors. Two weeks before his twenty first birthday, his greatest coupe occured. He received a call from Tana Van Buren, a very well known collector and a very influential dealer in the art world, and unknown to Tishiru, The Toreador Prince of Bermuda.

She invited him to come to her estate in Bermuda for a private showing. Never one to pass up an opportunity, Tishiru quickily excepted and packed his bags, prepared his sculpture for shipment, and promptly left for Bermuda.

He arrived in Bermuda the morning of his twenty first birthday. Met at the airport by Gabriel, Ms. Van Buren's 'personal assistant', and brought to the ladies estate. Arriving at the beach house in the early afternoon, he was shown to his rooms and told Ms. Van buren would meet with later that evening at the beach party she was hosting in his honor.

Being far from the ever watchful eyes of his parents, Tishiru happily made the rounds at the party, drinking, laughing and meeting the local members of the upscale beach culture. Unaware of the 'other' nature's of the guests, he circulated through the crowd, finaly being drawn, almost against his will to the side of a tall long haired surfer calling himself Qualla. Qualla, being charming, exceedingly handsome and unbeknownst to Tishiru, using Entrancement (and Tishiru being drunk, euphoric, and free from his father's prying eyes), finally ended up alone on the beach and in each others arms.

The moment Qualla's teeth tore into his neck is endelibly etched in Tishiru's mind. The Blond surfer was neither gentle, nor slow, drain the life from the artists body with an almost feral intensity. Ecstacy, pain, and horror melded into one endless moment in Tishiru's mind, until the second everything seemed to suddenly stop, only to restart with a throbbing intensity. He came back to his senses, sitting in the moonlite sand, the surfer hovering over him, blood covering both their faces.

Shock and horror washed over him and he rose, racing toward the beach house, his mind fighting the demon he he could feel pulsing through his body. Reaching the house, he burst back into the party, frantic, fighting urges he neither understood nor wanted.

The mortals attending the party began to scream at the sight of the naked, blood-covered artist.

Unable to fight the urging of the beast inside him, Tishiru leapt at the first mortal, tearing out his throat and kneeling over the dieing body feeding hungrily on the warm red blood.

He didn't hear the woman approach, not until he found himself hurling out of the house to land in the sand at the recently arrived Qualla's feet.

Shaken, filled with horror at what he had done he sat in the sand, staring at the short blond woman who was his host.

He listened in silence as she cursed his 'sire' for taking her chosen childe and in a rage condemned them both to death, calling a Blood Hunt. Qualla, Or Cameron Wellington III as Tishiru later found he was called, Moved with amazing strength and speed, gathering up his progeny and racing at unearthly speeds from beach house. After weeks of hiding and running, the pair eventually made their way to Los Angeles, California and Tishiru was inducted into the Anarch movement.

The First three years of Tishiru's unlife where spent fighting the Camarilla's attempts to retake Los Angeles from Anarch's. He proved a quick study and a capable leader, his coterie tactical successes attracting the attention of some Anarchs there, even Jeremy McNeil's. It was in December of 1992 when the Sabbat began another attempt to take Los Angeles from Anarch control. During the first skirmish Tishiru was taken captive by Archbishop Richard Jeffers, a Toreador antitribu of some reknown.

Rather then Kill Tishiru or turn him over to the sabbat, Archbishop Jeffer's had his ghouls bring the Ventrue Neonate to his home. Jeffer's, as Tishiru soon discovered, was a master of pain, considering torture and interrogation his 'Art'. Tishiru, the Archbishop explained, was alive only as long as he continued to amuse.

Tishiru, having no wish for Final Death, did his best to be an avid and energetic partner. For three months Tishiru lived with the Archbishop, fullfilling whatever needs or desires the evil man expressed.

Archbishop Jeffers, being completely self absorbed and quite pleased with his Ventrue 'pet', who had, definitively, artistic talent, decided it would be useful to teach Tishiru the Arts which he himself praticed. The next three months passed in a whirlwind of pain, pleasure and horrific acts.

Tishiru mastered the arts of torture and interrogation, being ever certain that the Archbishop's dark desires were kept fullfilled. As is often the case in such situations, Tishiru found himself slowly falling in love with the silver haired Toreador. Eight months after his capture, Tishiru's Sire, Qualla, stormed the Archbishops haven with an Anarch warband. During the ensueing fight, Tishiru engaged the Archbishops double (a Malkavian who had been dominated to believe he was the Archbishop) and killed him. The Anarch's believing the Archbishop dead, retrieved their leader's Childe and returned to Los Angeles.

Archbishop Richard Jeffers, sliped quietly from his haven, acknowledging his debt to the Anarch neonate via Telepathy. No, answered the Ventrue Anarch: Richard had spared Tishiru's life, Tishiru paid his debt in kind. he answered that he was Anarch first, and through their love for each other was sincere, unless Richard changed his ways, they were enemies.

During the following year, Tishiru turned his energies toward fighting the Camarilla in the contested territories, raising larger warbands and beating back the agents of Justicar Petrodon. During this time he made a fatal error: To make himself a Barony in L.A., he tried to took over the Baronies of Glendale and Pasadena, thus attracting the enmity of a great part of the idealist Anarchs who followed him out of loyalty and for the ideals he was supposed to follow.

While Tishiru was free to act as it pleased him, Jeremy McNeil started to doubt Tishiru's loyalty for the Anarch Ideals: after all, he had spent a lot of time in the company of Sabbat...

As french Anarchs went to the Anarch Free States to learn from its example, It was discovered they held the Free States system in contempt. One of them, Not really an Anarch, but a Brujah with deep ties with them, argued the Free States was a good try, but he simply compared it with the french 1871 Commune of Paris: The chaos in which the U.S. Anarchs live would end their dream unless they succeeded in bringing some ethics and virtues in it.

Tishiru answered the french Anarchs, who had succeeded in nothing but arguing, were in no position to make any comment. He was soon joined by most of the L.A. Anarchs, which laughed and mocked the french Anarch's position.

The Anarch's answer was surprising: After all, L.A. was an U.S. city, very far from the centers of power of the Camarilla, and within Camarilla/Sabbat Battlegrounds. Their achievement was luck and prayers alone. He was St Just himself, who had in his time achieved a greater Revolution while he was only a mortal, and who had nealry topled, without even knowing it, the Camarilla Kindred of Paris. If Tishiru was so sure of himself, St Just continued, he could come to Paris to see if he could do better than attack defenseless Neonates in a city where True Elder dwelt: the City of the Toreador.

Tishiru was but one another Anarch. St Just had already proved himself, and his Presence as well as his arguments made him win the point.

At the Dec 1996 rant it was decided the Anarchs would send a representative to Paris, sending out a few capable leaders to nearby Camarilla cities and attempting to rouse the people there...

Tishiru has some fame in the Anarch Free States, but was unknown in europe: He arrived in England, where is art won some renown within the Toreador Community. From there, he arranged to befriend a Toreador who invited him in Paris.

Tishiru's art was interesting, but a Ventrue doing art was something alien to the french Toreador, and he was soon dismissed as a creative but somewhat misguided artist of medium talent.

Tishiru then joined the Anarchs, out of anger and frustration, apparently following a typical Fugueur way. But soon, he joined the Authentiques, and he surprised St Just when he appeared in a Parisian Anrch gathering at the Psaume 69: He had succeeded in being accepted in Paris, and would lead the Parisian Anarchs to Freedom...

Since then, St Just didn't betrayed Tishiru, aknowledging the wits of the little U.S. Anarch. But the two diverge in every thing.

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Credit to the Author: https://augias.org/pbn/tishiru.htm