Through the Looking Glass

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Jamie's Esoterica

Level 3 Thaumaturgy, based on Hermetic principles.

This ritual creates a magical brew that will allow the imbiber to see into the dream-world of the Fey for a night. In order to succeed, the caster must dress in elaborate robes and wear a broad-rimmed conical hat.

System: The caster must mix a potent brew of fungal hallucinogens and other ludicrously stereotypical ingredients (powdered bat wing is a good one) in a kettle made of cold-forged iron. When the two hour ritual is completed, a hideous distillate can be decanted from the mess that can be imbibed to allow one to see the Seemings and chimera of the Fey.

In order to swallow this hideous brew, anyone (mortal, kindred or otherwise, short of a Redcap), must succeed in a willpower roll at difficulty 7, and succeed in a stamina roll (difficulty 6) to keep it down. If the ritual roll is failed, the effect is that of a single dose of a strong hallucinogen, accompanied by possible food poisoning. If the ritual roll is botched, anyone imbibing the brew is subject to the effects of a strong overdose on a chemical hallucinogen.

For each success of the roll, one drought of the brew can be decanted.

Not part of any particular series.