The Path of Secret Knowledge

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Path of Secret Knowledge

Some Infernalist consider this the most powerful and difficult of Dark Thaumaturgical Paths. Storytellers may wish to leave this Path out of the game if they feel it will be too disruptive. This Path allows the practitioner to glimpse knowledge and secrets he should not be privy to.

Level 1--Whispers

The Infernalist with this power can spontaneously summon common knowledge on an individual from the back of her own mind, even if she has never met that individual before. This information includes name, occupation, age, interests, where he lives, and if he has any family. It takes almost no time for the vampire to discover this information.

System: The vampire must make eye contact with the person, and the victim can be no more than five feet away. It requires the Infernalist make a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower). This power does not work on any supernatural beings, including ghouls.

Level 2--Secrets in the Dark

Very similar to Whispers, this power allows the Infernalist to gather a little more knowledge about the victim, including names of family members, their phone numbers, where they work, and what they enjoy and hate doing.

System: This power also requires a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower + 1), but allows the Infernalist to take information from supernatural creatures. It will not reveal deeply held secrets, such as the fact that someone who follows the Masquerade is a vampire.

Level 3--The Hidden

This power grants the Infernalist very private information about an individual. She will know one minor secret the individual is trying to hide from everyone. She will know the name of one person the individual claims to like, but actually dislikes. She will know the name of the last person he was intimate with. She can also learn the individual's strongest desire.

System: This power also requires a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower + 2), but it takes an entire turn.

Level 4--Dark Prophecy

The Infernalist can tell the future, but these prophecies always focus on the darkest possibilities. Information gleaned is cryptic at best, and it is certainly possible that the future will change.

System: The Infernalist rolls Wits + Investigation (difficulty 8). The resulting information should always be mysterious, but the Storyteller can make it clearer with more successes. One success will give the Infernalist a vision that will be next to incomprehensible.

Level 5--Unlock the Heart of Mystery

The Infernalist with this power holds a tremendous weapon. With it, he can uncover any knowledge lost to the world. The locations of hidden treasures, the secret names of demons, or the hiding places of powerful beings all become apparent.

System: This power requires a Perception roll (difficulty set by the Storyteller, but usually at least 9) and will only uncover those mysteries known by no mortals or vampires.