The Fallen

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Old Clan Tzimisce
Background: He was a progeny of the Eldest and his date of embrace remains a mystery. Like his sire before him, he possessed the gift and was among the Eldest's finest Koldun. An ardent explorer in life, his lust for adventure drew him into the Realms Above and eventually to the Realms Below. During his final journey into the Upper Realms, he was assaulted by a spiritual beast; the battle consumed his remaining blood and he was forced to feed from the beast. Sometime later, his blood slaves and younger childer began to show signs of a strange maleablity; when they began to go insane, this ancient took notice and destroyed those that were irredeemable. It is believed that this event marks the first appearance of Vicissitude among the Children of Caine. Those of the ancient's childer who resisted infection isolated themselves is distant havens or went into voluntary torpor.

As the plague of infection spread beyond 'The Fallen's' childer a civil war among the Fiends ensued. The wholesale destruction of dozens of Cainites drew the attention of the Tal'meh'Ra and many feared that this disease might even spread to the 'Eldest' as it slept away the eons. It is generally believed that this was the birth of the 'Shadow Crusade' for a group of the finest warriors and most gifted magi took it upon themselves to bring this menace to an end before it spread beyond the Tzimisce. Through great strife and struggle the First Kamut dispatched 'The Fallen' and then hunted down all of his infected progeny, but failed to completely contain the infection which spread with frightening speed into other bloodlines and distant lands.

Those childer of 'The Fallen' who isolated themselves, acknowledged their collective debt to the Tal'meh'Ra and became its first European members. Their ancient sire's monumental error has become their collective dishonor and responsibility. This has led them to be the most ardent supporters of the 'Shadow Crusade' and by bloodline tradition each of the youngest members participate in the crusade voluntarily as a matter of clan pride. To avenge their ancient sire's disgrace, the youth of the 'Old Clan' spend no less than fifty years in the war against Vicissitude as this is believed to be the time it took the 'First Kamut' to dispatch 'The Fallen' and many of its greatest heroes have come from the linage of the original plaguebearer. Though no certain date can be assigned to the death of this ancient being and the birth of the crusade, it is a matter of some scholarship that these events occured at the close of the sixth century before the birth of the Judean Messiah.
Its Demise: