Talk:Sympathy of Bones

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Sympathy of Bones

Ok Keith. Its power level is fine. The concept is solid. The range of the spell is infinite on the mortal plane which is awesome, but because of this, you pay a price in duration. For two reasons, one because no level one rituals are permanent and because if it has an infinite range, then successes matter for determining how long the ritual lasts. I will leave the increments to your discretion with the caveat that the ritual ends by dawn. I am including a couple of rituals as examples of why I have made these suggestions. = Sanguine Lodestone, Craft Bloodstone

P.S. -- And I also changed the ritual's address bar to take you to necromancy rituals instead of Kaitlin's Spellbook which it did before.

P.P.S. -- When your done making your adjustments, consider the ritual approved and researched.

"The Magister 19:58, 11 October 2017 (MDT)"