Talk:Ostanes Character Sheet

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Ostanes Character Sheet

I liquidated Seduction and added the experience and specialty to Subterfuge which often has seduction as a specialty. -- "The Magister 21:29, 19 February 2020 (MST)"

After our game last night, I thought seriously about the nature of paradox and the character of Ostanes. As the storyteller, Keith its up to you, but I have taken three flaws to represent the paradoxical effects of time-travel, his practice of blood-magic and Ostanes' legendary reputation. So to reflect these things I chose three Dark Ages Mage flaws: Elderly, Repulsive Practice and Witchwalk for at total of ten points of flaw for which I took not points of experience. If this satisfies you as a storyteller, then the character has no current paradox unless gained in the most recent session and Vargo's technomantic device is no longer necessary. Let me know what you think. -- "The Magister 21:51, 10 September 2020 (MDT)"