Talk:Cercyons' Hammer and Anvil

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Cercyons' Hammer and Anvil

"Wow, now that is the Spirit!" -- "The Magister 20:58, 20 June 2019 (MDT)"

Your latest addition is excellent Jason. I really like the travelog entry and I found it inspiring. My only question surrounds the identity of this curious, but skeptical visitor? Good writing in any case. I hope we will see more from you as we play. -- "The Magister 16:30, 16 December 2019 (MST)"

Yelpis of Dei Romana. The theory behind it is similar to modern review sites, but with an ancient Roman bent. Is this guy selling mutton or is he selling dog and charging mutton price, is this guy going to swindle you, and are these new gods really gods? -- J 21:08, 16 December 2019 (MST)

Its been a long time since we visited the gods in Rome. Seeing your recent writing reminds me that we have been a way too long. Thanks for posting and please keep it up! -- "The Magister 11:30, 25 November 2023 (MST)"