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Dice Pool: Choose one Attribute + one Ability to accomplish your chosen goal.

Cost: Spend 1 Divinity

Description: You transform another character into an animal or a similar animate form, as long as it does not completely prevent a character from acting (like being turned into stone) or effectively kill them (like being turned into a fish on dry land). Using this Boon on trivial characters is free, and they can be turned into trees, statuary, or other forms that incapacitate them.

Transformed characters retain their normal traits, but face Complications if they attempt a task their form is unsuited to: using a computer keyboard as a chimpanzee faces a +1 Complication, while firing a machine gun as a dog incurs a +4 Complication. The advantages of the character’s new form, such as a dog’s sense of smell, can provide Enhancement 1-3 on actions they apply to.

At the end of this Boon, Scions and other characters with Legend 1+ instantly revert to their true form. Mortals gain the Transformed Condition, which they must be resolved through magic before they return to normal. Trivial targets can be transformed permanently.