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●●●●●●●●●● -- THE PROJECT

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Science
Cost: 20 Divinity + 1 Willpower
Description: Contrary to assumption, the development of the Yankee’s top-secret super-weapon is not being carried out only by a small clutch of bespectacled scientists locked in a room somewhere in New Mexico. It is actually the single largest and most expensive industrial project ever undertaken, utilizing more workers and factory equipment than all of the automobile manufacturers in the United States combined. With this Power, a Yankee God can tap into the power of this experiment to produce a prototype weapon. Even this small sample can be so devastating that the Gods themselves fear to call it forth.

To use this Power, the God must concentrate for 5 turns, during which time he is considered defenseless. Upon completion of this action, the God brings into being a large, lumpy metal sphere about four feet in diameter and weighing four hundred pounds. Exactly sixteen turns later, the device detonates with a searing blast that can potentially be seen for miles. Anyone or anything caught in the explosion suffer 5L of fire damage and 1A of soul-searing radiation for each success on the Power user’s (Intelligence + Science) roll. This damage is not rolled; it is simply applied directly to each character within range. It cannot be dodged or parried, but it may be soaked. The damage is reduced by 5L and 1A for every 50 feet the blast travels from the epicenter.