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Dice Pool: Charisma + Science

Cost: Spend 1 Divinity

Description: The Avatars of Earth are no mere diggers in the earth, their mother freely gives up her treasures to them, if they ask nicely. Once the an Avatar of Earth has located resources within the earth that they need (usually accomplished with DIVINE SOUNDING), the Avatar asks the mother earth to give up those elements that are needed. If the Avatar's plea was successful, the region immediately around the buried elements begins to shake. A very localized earthquake takes place, the vibrating earth causes soil and stone to shift upwards in the designated area and the chosen materials (gold, silver, coal, diamonds, etc) rise to the surface like butter in a churn. Each success on the activation roll produces one cubic foot of the material. Raw earthen materials summoned in this fashion may require further refinement (gold might need to be melted down to get it pure, diamonds would need to be polished or cut, while coal taken in this way is ready for use).

Note: While water comes from the earth, it may not be summoned this way, for that you would need the Dominion of Water.