Sven Thromborgen

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Paris -P- Followers of Set -P- Settite History in Paris

Sven Thromborgen.jpg

Sobriquet: Sven

Appearance: Sven is a 35 years-old man with a slender silhouette, but of great height (even greater at the time of his Embrace!). He has blonde hair (which was receding at the time of his Embrace), blue eyes, and is very pale, even for a Kindred.

He always wear the finest clothes, liking most of all the color white, giving him a ghost-like (or angel-like) appearance. He wears fine jewelry, and has his shoulder lenght hair tied with a white ribbon.

Behavior: Sven was introduced to the courtisans Setites philosophy, and since his Embrace, became a Deviant, always searching for a new (and twisted) form of pleasure or torture. He is a sadistic bastard (but doesn't like to suffer, through!), and he hides this nature behind a gentle attitude. He never tries to seduce someone, but always tries to become a fast friend of everyone, letting time increase this friendship to great affection.

History: Sven was a swedish noble, came in Paris with the ambassador of Sweden. While he wasn't particularily beautiful, he had style and refined tastes. His potential corruption soon attracted Theti-Sheri: He used his wife to seduce important men of the new Louis the 15th administration to salvage sensible intelligence.

Theti-Sheri looked upon the prostitution area, which was managed by a Ventrue who proved to be quite difficult to corrupt otherwise than with money. She decided Sven would do, and made him her Ghoul, promising him pleasures beyond imagination and immortality if he succeeded to be worth of the attention of the Followers of Set.

Sven, surprised by his newfound powers (it's funny to see how mortals can be awed by Potence *...), accepted. Using a Prestation Beatrix owed her, Theti-Sheri hoped to replace the Ventrue by Sven, taking over the prostitution business.

By intrigue, Sven succeeded into approach the Ventrue's Herd (Prostitutes, of course...) and poison it with a potion created by Samson, Theti-Sheri's other Childe. The poison would act slowly, but surely. The Ventrue started to suspect something when two chalices died for unknown reasons. But by then, the poison was already affecting him. Hoping to find the Ventrue in Torpor, Sven entered the Ventrue's domain with mercenaries. Half the Ventrue's Ghoul were dying, too, so Sven had little difficulties to reach the Ventrue's secret haven.

But the Ventrue, Lucas, survived. His Fortitude had somehow protected him, and the wounded Ventrue held his ground against Sven, who finally Torpored the Ventrue only by chance. Dying, Sven used the remaining of Theti's potent Vitae to heal, but even this resource was exhausted. Severly wounded, knowing he was dying form internal damage, he walked back to Theti's Haven.

Having acomplished his own part of the contract, Sven was officially accepted into the Clan, knowing that he would have to build a Herd of beautiful mortals to content mortals and Kindred alike, to use them as spies. Theti Embraced the dying mortal.

Sven's Embrace was flawed, through: His wounds never totally healed, and since then, he awakened each night with the wounds open.

Since then, Sven worked hard, and succeeded in creating Maison Closes (luxuous brothels) all around Paris. Even when these brothels were closed, he succeeded in keeping his power over middle to higher quality prostitution. But his real success was gathering chalices for Kindred who used them as they wanted, no questions asked. And soon, he became the provider of temporary Herds for the greatests Soirées of Paris.

While the Maffia and other criminal organizations controlled by the Brujah, the Ventrue and the Giovanni succeeded in taking over a good part of the business, Sven never lost the Call-Girl (and -Boy!) business, and always succeeded in finding rare chalices, a thing the others never succeeded.

Recent Events: One of Sven's brothel survived. Called Le Jardin de Nuit, this also his primary Haven. His corruption of the administration managing his Haven's sector is enough to protect him from most intrigues. Some famous mortals are privy to the existence of this Maison Close, and they uses its facility enough to give Sven power over them.

Sven is known to abort his prostitutes when they come back pregnant... Without the use of anesthesia...

He has become the lover of a male Spiral Dancer Werewolf called Myrrco. The two share the same tastes and the same cruelty. More than one unsatisfactory chalice of Sven ended her career eaten alive by Myrrco in front of her former procurer. The problem is that neither Myrrco nor Juliette know of each other. With all Sven's luck, should the two discover this, it will be very possible they turn against him, and find an entertaining way of ending his life...


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