Summon the Nithling Flame

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Level 1

This ritual summons a very weak spirit of flame. It literally has no more lifespan than to light a match, a wick, or similar small, very combustible item. While it could set off gas fumes, doing so with this ritual opens a gate to a larger spirit that will be stuck in the WOD. A thaumaturgist or mage will have to banish it back to the plane of flame.

System: The caster inscribes the Sanscrit character for flame on a piece of paper cleansed and soaked in the casters blood(1 point). After it is dry, the caster may leave it anywhere or hang onto it. The caster then envisions the piece where he/she left it and speaks a short entreaty to a flame spirit. (Caster rolls Manipulation + Occult diff 7) If it succeeds a small spark takes the place of the paper, and a small spark will light flammables it touches.