Strings of the Marionette

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Dominate 7

With this power, the Kindred's ability to command the minds of others is so great that she may even overcome the paralysis imposed by staking, or the languor of torpor. The subject cannot move as swiftly as normal, has reduced mental capacity, and cannot access any Disciplines that require conscious effort to activate. Within these parameters, however, the subject can be forced to take any actions the character desires.

System: The character must first physically touch the subject; the player then rolls Manipulation + Leadership, with a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower + 1 (the added difficulty is to overcome the paralysis or torpor). The character maintains control for a number of scenes equal to the successes rolled.

The subject of this power is limited in the actions he can perform while staked or torpid. In addition to the restriction on Disciplines, the subject loses one from all dice pools involving physical actions; all other dice pools are reduced by half (round down).