Storm Hound

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Koldunism Level 6

This Koldunic ritual mimics the Level Five power of the Way of Wind with a few advantages. The sorcerer builds a fire of certain dried herbs and wood from a lightning-struck tree. She sacrifices a puppy and her own vitae to the flames while invoking the Slavic storm-god Perun. The sorcerer also burns something that came from an intended victim of the curse - a hair, a thread from the victim's clothing, or even soil from the victim's footprint. Within 24 hours, a storm appears over the victim and blasts him with lightning. The storm-hound can find its victim anywhere in the world.

System: For each success, the storm-hound launches two bolts of lightning at its victim. Regardless of the sorcerer's Traits, the storm-hound attacks with a dice pool of 6 (difficulty 6 if the target stands on open ground, 8 if he is under shelter, and 10 if he is inside near a window). Each bolt inflicts 10 dice of lethal damage that ignores body armor. If the attack roll fails, the degree of failure suggests how far the erring bolt deviates.

The storm-hound has a certain degree of intelligence. It may wait to attack until the victim moves into more open terrain. The enchanted storm does not last longer than one hour, though. If the victim does not leave cover before the hour ends, the storm-hound attacks anyway. After all, a bolt that misses may nevertheless destroy the target's shelter, enabling a subsequent bolt to strike more accurately.